Do you really make good money bartending?!

Question: Do you really make good money bartending!?
I live in Houston, Texas and I looked it up on salary!.com and showed that I would probably receive only 15k a year!. Which sucks, but I assume that's without tip!. Is it really worth becoming a bartender!? I just want some kind or certificate or degree in which I can make pretty good money in!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

It depends on a few things!. Remember, bartending is mainly a sales job!. If you are dedicated to your craft and have the ability to connect with people you don't know, it can be a windfall!. It's all about finding the right situation for you!. A bartender with zero personality but a true blue collar work ethic can make boatloads in the club scene, but someone with a little more gift for gab and empathizing skills can make a ton in even a not-so-busy country club job!.

In the end it's more about what you can bring to the bartop and finding a spot that matches your skillset!. The sky is the limit with the right combination!Www@FoodAQ@Com

It depends on lots of factors!.!.!.mainly location (size of metro area, certain parts of town!.!.!.etc!.!.etc!.!.) and what kind of bar you work at (restaurant chain, restaurant, sports bar, strip club, hotel bar, casino bar!.!.!.etc!.!.!.etc!.!.!.), and how good of a bartender you are (FAST is all that will cut it in this business)!.

You don't need a certificate or a degree to be a bartender!.(check local laws for licensing!.!.!.some states only require that you be 21)!.

For example, I live in a metro area of 200,000 people!. I work at a restaurant bar 4 nights a week (20-25 hours a week) and I make about 15k a year without tips!. Plus I have experience working at a regular bar and having been a bar manager!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I'm a bartender and I do pretty well!. Much more than 15k a year!. I support my kids and pay for their college and go on vacations every year, own a home and drive a new car!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

work in a strip clun guys tip great there you get paid 4!.25 a hour plus tips my friend would make 200 + a night just in tips!. Good luckWww@FoodAQ@Com

People that make a lot of money in cash like tips often don't report all of it on their tax forms!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I paid my way through 4 years of college working behind the bar!. Much more than 15k a year!.Www@FoodAQ@Com


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