Does alcohol curdle milk?!

Question: Does alcohol curdle milk!?
I know in a carbomb the irish cream curdles once it hits the guiness, but what about normal milk!? I made up my own drink this evening called "White Christmas", it's 3 parts milk, 1 part peppermint schnapps!. I'm worried that it'll spoil before too long, so it may have to be a "make and drink quickly" drink, but I'd like to make sure!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Just be careful of the levels of acidity!.

Irish Car Bombs will curdle!. Bailey's Irish Creem & Guinness

Cement Mixer is terrible - Bailey's Irish Creme & Lime Juice

Read this article and hopefully it'll help!.!.!.!.


Yeah, anyway the better decigion is "make and drink quickly"!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

no it never curdles milk
yeah but if you just leave the drink like dat it will spoil ur taste!.
it would be better if you refrigerate your drink!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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