Veiw on underage drinking and what is the youngest someone should start drinking?!

Question: Veiw on underage drinking and what is the youngest someone should start drinking!?
I think the youngest people should start drinking is 15 but preferably 16Www@FoodAQ@Com

i dunno i think 16Www@FoodAQ@Com

The drinking age is there for the protection of younger people!. I do think that people under 21 are not as responsible when it comes to drinking and they should focus on high school, but I also think that if monitored by adults it is ok for a minor to engage in some light drinking!. I don't at all think that minors should be running around drunk and have the drinking age lowered!. I already think that 21 year olds are obnoxious enough! (I'm 24) Ya partyin is fun and I've been to many many clubs and had too many drunken nights!.

I think the drinking age is perfect where it is at!. The only exception to the drinking age I would make is for the people getting out of high school who would be joining the military!. If they are old enough to go to war they should be able to drink a few beers once in a while!Www@FoodAQ@Com

I don't think that drinking young is a problem, but if you're getting trashed at a young age, that is!.

If you start drinking a little bit when you're young, I think you would be able to develop responsible drinking habits!. I did, I mean, I never got drunk, but I would drink with a meal with my parents, and I learned that alcohol is something to be enjoyed, not binged on!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

18!. I know this sounds terrible, but seriously, 18/19!. I do think the drinking age is good at 21 but ive known people whove never drank at all and all of a sudden at 21 they are drinking 21 drinks and they get all kinds of sick and crazy!.!.!.!.!. 18/19 if you are drinking responsibly, no driving around, or staying over where you are drinking, and not just party-hardy-ing all the time!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I think that as far as America goes, they are screwed if they ever want to lower the age of drinking!. They should have followed suit to what European families do!. The child slowly gets accustomed to alcohol AT HOME with a glass of wine or a beer, starting at whatever age they ask (They usually have a sip or two starting at age 9 or 10 and by the time they are 15, they are able to have a glass)!. Children learn quickly what normal consumption is rather than the typical American teenager, whose first drinking experience is usually not at home and without adult supervision and usually binges thereafter!. Drinking in Europe to teens is considered a casual social scene while drinking the America is considered party central/a way to rebel!. America's youth does not have the mental capacity to appreciate alcohol in the sense that Europeans and other people around the world are able based on their upbringing, therefore America will probably never be able to lower the drinking age!.
My parents are both European and this is how I was raised (in America)!. I love a good glass of wine and I would never ever want to get "wasted!." Life is too short to be spending it blurry-eyed and acting like an idiot!. My two sisters are 10 and 15 and they are allowed one half glass wine if they want at suppertime but that is all!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I believe that it should be around 16, but without great strides in America's philosophies with alcohol, this would have very bad results!.

Americans need to approach alcohol in a different way, and go at it with a "culturally accepted" beverage rather than a "party-time" beverage!.

Otherwise it would just cause more abuse rather than acceptance, and would cause devastation in terms of alcoholism, DUI-offenses, and many others!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I'm 14 but 15 in like a month!. and i drink every weekend or whenever someone gives me some!. I think the drinking age should be 16 though!. y'know why because we are too 'immature' to obviously not realise the consequences!.
Well actually we do, it's just a few idiots out there who choose to get paraletic or to the staqge of passing out!.
You can probably say i'm only 14 and i dont know what i'm talking about!. tbf i dont care!.

No matter how much the smoking/drinking age is highered
we WILL get it someway, we have older brothers sisters, we know older people, some shops serve us or some people buy it us, parents buy it us, some people rob it!. you cant stop this!.
you put up loads of boundries
and we [as in teens] will find away to overcome them, you could say its rebeling!. I dont know to be honest, i just have more fun drinking!.
Society has changed, the world has changed, you should all realise that now and i don't think it's going to change with a simple bringing up the drinking age, do you!?

There are MORE important issues!.

Instead of sending cops out onto the street looking for us why dont they go catch real criminals!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

It's bad for your brain, but it is really fun!. I think 16 is a good age to start, just don't start liking it too much!. I only get drunk once every couple of months, but it's fun while it lasts and doesn't seem to be screwing up my brain too badly!. Everything in moderation *nods wisely*

But yeah, 16!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

The brain isnt fully done devolping until 19/20!. If you drink before then your just seriously messing with your brain!. I think the age should be lowered [in the US] to 18!. Im sorry but why can I go fight for my country, and risk being killed every day but not have a drink!? They need to make up their mind, 18 for both, or 21 for both!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

well in ireland kids start drinking at 12/13 and regularly at discoes and parties ambulances are called for stomach pumpings! by the time they're 15 every child in ireland has more than likely taken a drink!Www@FoodAQ@Com

in australia where i live the legal drinking age is 18 but alot of young people drink at around 15 or 16Www@FoodAQ@Com

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