Serious Q: Why is it that after drinking a lot of straight vodka/hard liquor....?!

Question: Serious Q: Why is it that after drinking a lot of straight vodka/hard liquor!.!.!.!.!?
do I get terrible diarrhea & abdominal pain the next day!? What can I do to mitigate these effects!?

Thank youWww@FoodAQ@Com

Alcohol impairs nearly every single system of the body, including the digestive tract!. Drinking a lot of hard alcohol can impair your digestive operations and the next morning that can lead to indigestion and stomach pain!. Drink less, have less diarrhea!. Some people are affected more than others, and I guess you are unlucky!.

You could also try pepto bismol, though I'm not sure how it pairs with alcohol!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

i would stop drinking!. drinking hard liquor is no goog for your liver!. don't be like me 34 & have a abnormal liver & now have to stop drinking!. thats up to you but maybe just stik to beer if you wanna still drink!. good luckWww@FoodAQ@Com

1!. Stop drinking!.

2!. Eat more when you drink!.

3!. Try those alcohol absorbtion pills that negate those effectsWww@FoodAQ@Com

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