In the beginning, I disliked beer. I like it a lot more now, but how do I find my beer?!

Question: In the beginning, I disliked beer!. I like it a lot more now, but how do I find my beer!?
I like: Yuengling, Dos Equis (XX), Coors Light, Miller High Life, Budweiser, Blue Moon, Corona (only with the lime)!. What can I learn from these choices!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

All beer is good!?

I don't have "a" go to beer either!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Beer, like most of the finer things in life, is an acquired taste!.!.!.
Unfortunately I'm disappointed to see the list of beers you presented!.!.!.

There is hope for you though!.!.!. do yourself a favor and try an offering from one of our great American micro/craft breweries!.!.!. The beer is of a much higher caliber and is actually brewed with the real ingredients (not using adjuncts like rice and corn)

Look at www!.beeradvocate!.com for some suggestions and to educate yourself about beer!.!.!. my personal suggestions for a segway into drinking high quality real beer!.!.!.

Dogfish Head Craft Brewery
Sam Adams (Technically a large brewery but they produce finely crafted beer unlike the other macros)

The truth about the beers you listed (I'm not trashing your taste, just letting you know what I know about these brews)

Yuengling - though as far as macrolagers go its ok, they still use adjuncts

Dos Equis - a good mexican beer, far superior to Corona

Coors Light - macroproduced with adjuncts and preservatives

High Life - probably good for not much but making you burp

Bud - respect for a pioneer and they do use all-malt but still macroproduced and not of a high quality

Blue Moon - a poor example of a Belgian Witbier with WAY too much Coriander (for a better example of the style try Hoegaarden, it should be pretty easy to come by)

Corona - skunk city!.!.!. the lime doesn't serve the purpose you think it does!.!.!. 1) it gives it a more "tropical" feel and 2) covers up Corona's natural skunky flavor!.!.!. it is easily the worst beer on the planet

**If you like Blue Moon, then you probably like Belgian Style Ales!.!.!. Witbiers, Dubbel, Tripel, etc so look into those!.!.!. and you'd like probably a darker lager!.!.!. try Sam Adams Boston Lager (the most generic one) and you probabl'y won't be able to find it now but later this year look for the Winter Lager!.!.!. experiment, the world of beer is nearly endless and ever-expanding so drink up!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

You can learn you have poor tastes in beer! Go to a brewery and sample some of the different types of beer out there!. Some of my personal favs include

312 Beer by Goose Island
Sunset Wheat or Honney Weis by Leinenkugel
Fat Tire
Labatts Blue

mmmmmm beerWww@FoodAQ@Com

Go to some place which has a large section and knowledgeable staff!. Ask for recommendations!. Best bet is a bar with a lot of taps - often the bartender will be willing to give you a taste of something without actually having to buy a full pint!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Don't pay any attention to the beer snobs, drink whatever you like, and learn that someone else's taste need not be your taste!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

with the exception of Dos Equis, i agree with the first poster!. you need to try some actual good beer!. try the micros!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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