Why do people feel warm when they're inebriated?!

Question: Why do people feel warm when they're inebriated!?
Alcohol increases the blood flow to your extremities!. This is why it makes you warm!.

This is also why it is dangerous to drink when you are in very cold temperatures (like when you are skiing)!. Normally, if you get too cold, your blood stays out of your extremities to keep your organs warm!. You might get frostbite on your toes, but you will survive!. If you drink, you will feel warm, but the blood won't be keeping your organs warm and you are more likely to die!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Jellybean is absolutely right!. Alcohol is a vasodialator, meaning it causes your blood vessels to dialate!. Thereby, when you drink alcohol, more blood vessels open up, and make you feel warmer!.

In cold weather instead of having blood flow return through the veins close to the skin, your blood returns via veins close to your bones, thereby keeping your core temperature warmer!. When you drink alcohol, your surface veins open up (dialate), and make you feel warmer, in cold weather this is very dangerous because it allows your core temperature to drop faster, sending you into a state of hypothermia!.

As for the "burn" of alcohol when you drink it, the ethanol (especially in higher concentrations), causes osmotic pressure in the cells it comes in contact with!. The water in your cells naturally wants to move to the ethanol outside of the cells, to bring balance to the force!.!.!.and osmotic pressure gradient!. So, the higher in alcoholic percentage the drink, the more it burns, because it is ripping the water out of your cells, basically drying them, just like if they were cooked!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Actually, alcohol consumption lowers your body temperature, so your body works overtime to keep it warm, so it feels as though you're warm, but in fact, it's the opposite!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

good question!. my guess would be increased blood flow but i have no ideaWww@FoodAQ@Com

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