Tiping 20% of your bill, why servers still getting screw with cheap *** people?!

Question: Tiping 20% of your bill, why servers still getting screw with cheap *** people!?
A tip is given for good service so often service is poor why should any tip be given!. It is not a matter of being cheap at all, Good service deserves a good tip in Britain there is a sad lack of any kind of service!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I will always tip!. Even if I receive poor service, I will leave a 10% tip!.

What irritates me, is the hardest job in the world is being an excellent waiter/waitress!. For what ever reason, a restaurant with good food is a cash cow, and the industry allows the restaurant to pay poverty level wages to their service help!.

A good waitress/waiter works extremely hard, and deserves a decent pay rate , and a respectable tip!.

What has hurt the restaurant staff, is now various people expect a tip for doing what they are paid a more respectable wage to perform!. I will tip somebody who provides a service to me, instead of sticking a jar in my face while servicing a group!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

There will always be cheap people, period! Maybe they thought you paid more attention to another table because you thought you could get a better tip!. Or maybe they thought you took to long to do something!. Maybe you didn't check on their child's drink when you checked on theirs (the cups aren't see through)!. So many reasons and you will always wonder if it was you or them!. Most places it is still 10% of your bill, very few places have 15% and that's usually because of how many people you have in your party or if they cook in front of you!. So, if you're getting 20%, you're doing good!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

What!? 20% is being CHEAP!? Are you serious!? Tipping is for service above and beyond the average and is a REWARD!. 20% certainly seems like a large enough reward to me, and I've been on both sides of this question!. What got me was the bill being over $100 for a table of 5 and they split the bill and each cheapskate only gave me a dollar and change!.!.!. I would have been glad to get 20%! Still, I always did my best, was prompt and courteous, service with a smile!. I kind of enjoyed waiting tables!. It was in a place a step above fast food, family friendly, and I always met interesting people, but then there was always the scattered jerk here and there!. Itr takes all kinds!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I really feel for servers!. My husband and I typically tip 20% - more if the service warrants it!. People are cheap out there and with the economy it's only going to get worse!.

I've been in some restaurants where the servers have to pool their money and then at the end of the shift they split it between all the servers!. I've never been a server so I'm not sure if that's fair or not!. Because not all servers are created equal! Some are outstanding and others couldn't care less!. I don't think the latter should get as much as those that go above and beyond!. That's my rant!.!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I usually don't tip!. Why should I pay people to do their job (which they are paid for) in a satisfactory manner!? That is their job! Only if the service is excellent, I will tip, sparsely!.

I don't expect tip when I do my work!. When I pay for something, I want all change back, doesn't matter if its what you call cents or if its several dollars!. The price on the price list is what I pay!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Some people may not be able to afford to give more!. I know then they shouldn't be going out to eat!. It's really the restaurant's fault!. Why are servers being paid in this manner!? It is completely ridiculous!.

edit: I have worked as a server before so I know how much work it is!. My husband and I always try to leave a generous tip, at least 20%!. We don't go out to eat much!. It's too expensive these days and we prefer our own cooking anyway!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Fortunately we don't have the tipping problem here, but I would only tip what I felt was justified!. As far as I know tipping isn't a legal requirement, so if the food or service is lousy don't tip and complain to the manager!. You might not be welcomed back, but that is their problem!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

People aren't necessarily being cheap!.
Whether anyone likes it, or not!.!.!.!.!.I tip according to the service I receive!.
Most of the time, I'll tip 20% (or more), but if the service is bad!.!.!.!.I'll make my displeasure known by tipping less!.
Extremely bad!.!.!.!.and you'll get nothing, plus, I'll speak to the manager!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

You answered your own question, because some people are just cheap!. It's just a fact of life!. Sometimes the service can be poor, but it's usually because they are cheap!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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