Dark Beer Recommendations?!

Question: Dark Beer Recommendations!?
Love dark beer,
favs are Youngs Double Chocolat Stout
Deschutes Obsidian Stout and Porter

Guinness doesn't taste right here in America!.

Any Dark beer recommendations!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

Rougue's Chocolate Stout is one of the most tasty, drinkable stouts in my opinion!. Their Shakespeare stout is also good!.

If you're interested in some richer, more complex imperials and such, check out stouts from some of these widely distributed brewers: (also, I;m assuming you're out west if you can get Deschutes)

Dogfish Head
Victory (their Baltic Porter is also very good)
Southern Tier (their Choklat Stout is excellent)
Mikeller (Beer Geek Breakfast)
Ballast Point

What are you looking to pay!? Samuel Smith (England) makes a fine-fine Oatmeal Stout and their Taddy Porter is first rate!. MacEwans is tasty!. As the other gentleman said, most Sam Adams dark offerings are fine!.

For budget-minded beer drinker - Yuengling Porter & Yuengling Black & Tan (Yuengling once had a limited availability special only to PA and adjacent states, but I've started to see it in Beverages & More in CA!.!.!.and up and down the East Coast)!.

Hmmm, can't go wrong with Spaten's Optimator!.!.!. Franziskaner Dunkel Weisse is also fine!. Modelo from Mexico is worthwhile as well!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

A lot of the more inexpensive domestic darks are actually pretty good and far as I'm concerned!.

I enjoy the occasional Henry's Dark and most of the darker Sam Adams varieties are actually pretty good!.

Yes i agree that Guinness is sometimes hit and miss here in the U!.S!. (particularly in the bottles)- though most of the time i get it draft at a bar it's pretty good and usually the canned extra stout is not a bad purchase!. I also enjoy the occasional Newcastle!.

Most of the time I can't justify spending 3 -5 times as much for a more expensive beer when I have no problem enjoying the cheaper varieties available!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Kona Brewing - Pipeline Porter
New Belgium - 1554 Black Brussels
Left Hand Brewing - Black Jack Porter
Four Peaks - Oatmeal Stout
Mendocino - Black Hawk StoutWww@FoodAQ@Com

Moose Drool - Big Sky Brewery, Montana
Blacked Voodoo - Dixieland Brewery, New Orleans, LA
Smithwicks - From the makers of Guinness
Maple Nut Brown - Tommyknockers brewery, Colorado!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Stone's Imperial Stout is good!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Any of the Rogue dark beers- I especially like the Hazelnut Stout!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

amber bockWww@FoodAQ@Com

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