Is this LEGAL??!

Question: Is this LEGAL!?!?
i live in florida, recently, while on vacation in texas, and other states, i noticed, that when my husband bought beer in the cans (all brands) that they were in the six packs, but , here in florida NOW, you can only find them in the 4 packs!.!.!.!.!.!. why do other states have the six, and we get them in 4 !?!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

I have never heard of this but yes, it is legal just like when you can buy 1 can of beer!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

That doesn't sound right to me!. Some beer is packaged in 4 packs though, like Guinness Draught, and some of the higher alcohol content microbrews!. also, some of them are packaged as 4 packs, but in plastic bottles that are bigger than your standard pint!.

I've been all over, and I used to drink Miller Lite, and I've never bought it as a 4 pack!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Are you absolutely positive it was all beer packaged one way!? It's not uncommon at all for high-end beers to be packaged in 4-packs rather than 6-packs!. For example, Goose Island packages the majority of their beers in 6-packs but their Matilda, Demolition, Double IPA, Bourbon County Stout, and Peres Jaques all get put in to 4-packs!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Of course it is legal for them to do that, it is their company!. It is just like varying prices in different places at "Chain Store"!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I live in Florida and I haven't seen Bud in a 4-pack!Www@FoodAQ@Com

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