Is wine suppose to taste extremly bitter? so much so that all you taste is bitter?!

Question: Is wine suppose to taste extremly bitter!? so much so that all you taste is bitter!?
I tryied wine for the first time last night and it was soo bitter that i couldn't even taste the strawberry flavor it said it had!. Is this normal in all wines to just be very bitter or is this just a cheap brand of wine!?!?!?!?!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

That defect suggests that there was too much tannin in the wine!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

If you had Strawberry Hill, it is bitter!. There are others that aren't!. You probably got a bottle that was really cheap or that had started to go bad!.
Normally I won't drink fruit "flavored" wines because they are made with a base grape wine that's poor in quality, or a apple or pear wine!.
Find a local winery that makes real strawberry wine out of strawberries!. Don't go for the flavored stuff!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

No, wine isn't supposed to be extremely bitter!. What kind of wine did you drink!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

Some foods can cause wine to taste bitter!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

SOme wines are more bitter or dry then others what did you expect fo rthe price you paid!?!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

Some are the kind i tried was bitter then my face was red im only 13 my uncle made meWww@FoodAQ@Com

First of all, wines that cost $3!.99 are typically not good ones and they tend to give you a headache!.

Second, if a wine says that it has strawberries on the palate you might have to have a seasoned palate to taste the strawberry!.!.!.depending on the wine!. My suggestion to you is start out with a german riesling if you want to drink wine!. it is a white wine that needs to be chilled and typically tastes of apples and pears, but you will not detect that at first!.

To build your palate for wine you must start eating different fruits, nuts and spices!. Familiarize your mouth with those tastes!.!.!.also you must teach your nose to recognize these flavors as well!. When you go to the supermarket!.!.!.smell the fruit, the vegetables, the spices, and the nuts!. That is how wine will taste better!.

It also tastes better paired with food!. Try the riesling by itself!.!.!.then try it with some cheese!.!.!.then with a granny smith apple!.!.!.you will taste the difference in the wine!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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