Cachaca anyone??!

Question: Cachaca anyone!?!?
Does cachaca taste similar to rum!? I was looking for new drink recipes and this Brazilian liquor caught my eye!. I was thinking about using it in a mojito or with cranberry juice and cola!. Any other drink ideas would be appreciated, thanks :)Www@FoodAQ@Com

The traditional drink made with cachaca is a caipirinha!. Delicious!Www@FoodAQ@Com

It is basically rum, only it isn't aged in oak!. Both rum and cachaca can be made from sugar cane juice (rums can be made from processed cane juice--molasses)!.

As the previous poster said, the Caiparihinia is the traditional drink using cachaca!. It's made with lime and sugar, muddled together!. Then add ice and cachaca!.

Check this out for more Cachaca based cocktails:

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