If alcohol didn't make you drunk, would you still drink it?!

Question: If alcohol didn't make you drunk, would you still drink it!?
I don't think alcohol tastes good, especially hard liquor!. Frankly, it makes me nauseated!. For those of you with a high tolerance, do you really like how it tastes or does the benefit (getting drunk) outweigh the less then steller taste!? I'm sure there are people who will defend their beverage by saying that they really do like how it tastes but, honestly, a pepsi irrefutably tastes good because there is a bunch of sugar and stuff in it and, in my opinion, only an inconsequential percentage of the population would say otherwise!. Along these same lines, I don't normally grab a twelve pack of coke and sit down and drink it all!. So it naturally feels weird to drink a pack of beer the same way!. Seems to me that normally we eat and drink at the same time!. But does this come back to the drinker wanting to produce the desired effect so he pushes himself to drink and drink!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

I would probably drink it with a meal or if I get thirsty!. I do drink beer and wine for the taste in the beginning, but I end up getting drunk about 80% of the time!.!.!.!. It's sort of happens unintentionally!.
As another answerer mentioned, the alcohol makes you dehydrated, so you will reach for another beer to quench your thirst!. Then another, and another, and so on!. He also mentioned that Pepsi will quench your thirst after one container!. But if beer, wine or liquor had no alcohol in it, it would not dehydrate you, therefore you would not feel the need to drink one after the other!. It would be just another beverage!.
Some drink because of the taste, some drink to get drunk and some drink for both reasons!. I drink for both reasons!.!.
To answer this bluntly, I wouldn't sit around drinking beer the way I do now if it wasn't for the alcohol!.

EDIT: The only reason things such as liquor taste so aweful is because of the high alcohol percentage!. If that was gone, I bet a lot of the liqour out there would taste amazing!. People could be drinking bottles of it in one sitting!. Wow!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I would!. I like the taste of wine and liquor!. Some people really like the different tastes of beer and drinks like it, like meed and guinness!. Of course, getting drunk does have the biggest appeal to some people, but a lot actually enjoy drinking it!.

I would beg to differ on the amount a population who like pepsi and coke!. I hate soda, as do a lot of people I know!. Don't assume like that!.

And lastly, maybe you are drinking the wrong drinks!. Try some good wine and then tell me what you think!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

This is a wonderful question!. I would have to say I love beer and would drink it!. I think we drink more in one sitting than say a Pepsi because it doesn't quench your thirst like a soda does!. Unlike soda it actually dehydrates you and makes you more thirsty!. I can not for sure say why but it is a good point that you make and that is the only reasonable explanation I can come up with!Www@FoodAQ@Com

Hell, no!. The only reason to drink alcohol is to get tipsy, if not drunk!. Most of it tastes awful!. The only way it tastes good is to cook with it, but the alcohol is gone, then!. Sweet liquers can taste good, but the sweet stuff gives the worst hangovers!. I'm just being honest here!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

i drink beer because i like the taste and how it tastes with pizza!.
hard liquor i have never liked the taste of!. including what i've been told oh that doesn't have any taste!. well i can taste it and don't like it!.
only been drunk once and i'll never be again!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I would drink Beer!.

I would drink menthol mint schnapps too

and alcohol is a necessary ingredient in many things where you get no spirits at all just the flavor, who wants to live in a world without tequila lime chicken or bourbon steak tipsWww@FoodAQ@Com

It seems to me that the only reason to drink it is because you DO like the taste !.!.!. getting drunk, sick and hungover is the reason NOT to drink!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Yes as I dont drink to get drunk!.!.!.!.I truely love the flavours especially of the liqueres like Baileys, Amaretto, Butterscotch Schnapps!.!.!.!.!.I enjoy a nice cocktail now and thenWww@FoodAQ@Com

I probably would still drink even if it didn't make me drunk!. I love the taste of beer!.Www@FoodAQ@Com


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