What gets you more drunk?!

Question: What gets you more drunk!?
what gets you more drunk!?


let me know!Www@FoodAQ@Com

combinations of all!. hahah!. actually white wine gets me the mostWww@FoodAQ@Com

If you drink different drinks that have equivalent amounts of alcohol, these are the factors that will most impact how drunk you feel:
How fast you drink it!. How much food is in your stomach!. How much carbonation is in it!.

Generally speaking hard liquor will get you more drunk because it is easier to drink it fast!.
Beer and champagne (or liquor mixed with soda or tonic) will get you drunk faster than wine due to the carbonation!.
Wine is hard to drink fast, and it is not carbonated, so it is difficult to get drunk from it!.

If all you care about is getting drunk, then drink 12 oz of vodka in 15 minutes on an empty stomach and you'll be plenty drunk!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

They are all the same when done in recommended serving sizes!.

Beer and Alcopops serving size is 12oz at roughly 5% ABV
Wine is 5oz at roughly 10% ABV
Liquor (whiskey/vodka) is 1!.5oz and 40% ABV or 80 Proof

Alcohol equivalency is the same!.!.!. 0!.6oz ethanol alcohol!. The only way to get more drunk is to drink higher alcohol content drinks or increase your rate of consumption!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

5 oz of wine is the same as 1 oz of hard liquor, and 12 oz of beer!. So when you do shots you are going to get drunker because you drink them more quickly!. So it is not always about the actual amount of liquor!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I always over-do it with wine!. I'm so used to drinking beer after beer that I do the same with wine!. It doesn't work the same way though!.!.!.
By time I've realized how drunk I am, I've nearly drank the entire bottle!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

drunkenness depends on the amount of alcohol units you have!. it doesn't matter in what form you have them!. some alcholic drinks have more units then other so it would take less to get you drunk but in the end its all the sameWww@FoodAQ@Com

You can get just as drunk with anything!. Just takes more beer than wisky!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Straight up Tequila shots off a doble cara (translation: two face) shot glass nothin else comparesWww@FoodAQ@Com

whiskey!.!.!.southern comfort or if you really wanna get drunk/sick try 151 barcadi rum!. by why would you wanna get that drunk!?!?!? ceiling fans,spins!. no thanksWww@FoodAQ@Com

Whatever has the most alcohol in it!. In this list, probably whiskey or vodka!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

you can get the same amount of drunk off of all of those things, it just depends how much you drinkWww@FoodAQ@Com

Vodka and whiskey have the highest alcohol content of the items you listed!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Sambuca shots (they taste like black licorice), and a beer chaser!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Whiskey and/or TequilaWww@FoodAQ@Com

vodka :)Www@FoodAQ@Com

wine and whiskeyWww@FoodAQ@Com

vodka shots
works every timeWww@FoodAQ@Com

Whiskey from your list but some homemade moonshine is the worstWww@FoodAQ@Com

its simply sugar cane juice everyday!.thats itWww@FoodAQ@Com

Sailor Jerry (90 proof Rum)
Good ol' fashion Moonshine!!!Www@FoodAQ@Com

Jim Beam ! !.!. for me anyways !Www@FoodAQ@Com

you will get the most sloshed if you have a bit of all of the above!.!.!.better yet AT THE SAME TIMEWww@FoodAQ@Com

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