Could you drink 100 cans of beer within a 1 week period (8 days inclusive...)?!

Question: Could you drink 100 cans of beer within a 1 week period (8 days inclusive!.!.!.)!?
Yes it is possible You will have to drink 12 beers every day!. And sometimes 13 beers!. Good Luck with that!. You'll get drunk everyday and have hungover as well!. And it's very unhealthy for you!. It's fine if you drink 1 or 2 beers per day but 12 !?!!.!. ha ha!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Been there, done that!.

When i was building my waterfall pond area, the temps were
90 degrees!. My girlfriend would pick up a 30 cube of Coors light and I'd drink like 28 of them between 5pm and midnight!. Did this for the whole two weeks i worked on that project!. You figure 28 a day by 14 days makes 392 in two weeks!.
Some builds are rough! ;)

Here's a good one to try: Have 100 different beers in 9 months!. sounds simple, but it isn't!. I'm only up to 55 different ones since January!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Yes, my husbands friends used to do this in college!. Those guys would buy 3 or 4 cases of beer each for the week when they went on ski trips!. Between them, they usually had somewhere between 30-40 cases of beer!. It was really stupid of them to do
Not really good for you to be honest!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Yes!.!.!. I'm fairly certain I've done that!. Oh, memories of Emissions From The Monolith!.!.!.


Flyingscooter, he asked if you could drink 100 cans of beer!.!.!. not piss water!.

(Sorry, could resist!.)

Flyingscooter!.!.!. The Winking Lizard!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

Yes, good luck!!!Www@FoodAQ@Com


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