My german sheperd is about 5months old. she wines almost constant. is this just a sheperd thing?!

Question: My german sheperd is about 5months old!. she wines almost constant!. is this just a sheperd thing!?
I am on German Shepherd number two and I cannot say this is a "German Shepherd thing" The breed is prone to being very emotional and hyper-vigilant but what you are describing could apply to any breed!. Always check first for any kind of physical problem - ears, paws, skin irritations etc!. then proceed to addressing the emotional!. Let her stay within close proximity of you but don't give her constant attention!. Give her chew toys to keep her busy!. Call your local German Shepherd Breed Rescue group and ask for advice specific to this breed!. Check Petfinder!.com for this information!. My experience is that this breed requires some very unique approaches in training and care but that the rewards are high!. Their loyalty and security skill level is excellent!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I'm sure at 5 months old shes prob not a small dog!. Pups can whine constantly for various reasons!.

Top three i could think of!.

You take your dog for walks often!? I know German shepherds like large areas to roam!. Nice back yard or take for walks in neighborhood!.

Heres a link i found for puppy care hope its helpful for u!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Hun!.!.!. this is Beer, Wine & Spirits!.!.!. Wine as in what you drink!.!.!. not whine as is whimpering or nearly crying!. You've got the wrong discussion area!. Sorry!.

BTW it's not just a shepherd thing!. Other dogs whine too when they're anxious or lonely!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I would take it to a veternarian to see if there is any external or internal injuries!. If there is none the vet will probably tell you your dog is just young and wines alot like most puppies!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Crack open a bottle of wine and have a glass!. It may help you relax, in spite of the whining!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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