Ciggs and alcohol. quick ?!

Question: Ciggs and alcohol!. quick !?!.!.help!?
I usually HATE ciggarettes, but for some odd reason when i am drunk i crave them, like if they are around i smoke!. Why is that!?
It baffles me b!.c i HATEEE ciggggs, and i feel like addicted when i'm drunk!.!.i chain smoke!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

a few reasons: nicotine is a stimulant while alcohol is a depressant!. by smoking, you lessen the depressant effects of alcohol!. however, the stimulating effects last only around a couple minutes, so that might explain why you chain smoke!.
while inebriated, your sense of judgement is impaired, so you might find cigarettes pleasing even though you hate them when you are sober!. this logic is the same in the case of finding ugly people attractive when you are intoxicated, commonly known as "beer goggles"!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

It happens to a lot of people!. I am one of them!. It could just be the fact that you are allowing your body to have a foreign addictive substance (alcohol) in it makes it crave another one!. Plus since it is a social situation chances are most other people around you are smoking and thus you want one too!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I don't know why it is but I do the same thing!. It may have something to do with alcohol dulling your senses and judgement!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

well just don't get drunk and if you do just make sure before you get drunk you through away the cigggggsWww@FoodAQ@Com

this will tell you why

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