Does weed intensify your hormones like alcohol does?!

Question: Does weed intensify your hormones like alcohol does!?
Alcohol doesnt do anything to hormones!. It It supresses judgement which can sometimes lower a person's inhibitions!. For some people weed does the same thing!. For me weed always just made me think way too much and then I got the muchies like a mo fo!. Sex was the last thing on my mind!!Www@FoodAQ@Com

THC has an interesting effect on the body!. When it comes to mental capacity it's a depressant, but as far as the digestive system it's a stimulant!. THC tends to increase appetite where as alcohol is a "delay drug"!. Typically people that wouldn't conume large ammounts of alcohol, would feel hungrier much earlier in the day!. It's been noted in multiple studies that people who suffer alcoholism will go days on end without eating due to the supply of alcohol (and some even without) !.

Weed however intices the need to eat!. THC has basis in the fourth choromosone, which tends to be associated with both addiction and hunger (strange how many americans are obease right!?)

To many people, the same high comes from food and THC, a sense of well being and belonging, granted the side effects of THC vary, essentially, humans can do without it with our diets!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Yes, It does effect it tremendously!. It shortens your breath, and Makes your bones weak!.(Weed) And you shouldn't really have weed in your posession!.It's against the lawWww@FoodAQ@Com

Not mine!. An athletic endeavor like sex isn't to high on my list of priorities when I'm blazed, but that's just me!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Nope!.Weed just makes me wanna listen to Bob Marley tunes!.
"No woman no cry"
R!.I!.P Nester!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

No it does not but weed does make you more paranoid when using it!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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