Do you home brew?!

Question: Do you home brew!?
If nobody minds I'm going to cut and paste my answer from yesterday!.!.!.!.

First you buy a kit:


I don't recommend going any less than the Brewing Starter Kit at 79!.95!. I also recommend staying away from Mr!. Beer!. Poor selection, over priced and all extract beers tend to lack taste!.

Then you find a recipe:


Or you buy a ready made recipe kit from the above company!.

After you have your ingredients and you fermenters you cook!.!.!.!. Sorry, the most important thing is sanitation!. Sanitize everything you're wort (pronounced wurt) will being coming into contact with!.!.!. Wort is unfermented beer!.

Steep your grains at about 155F for 30-60 minutes to remove starches!.!.!. depending on the size of your pot use anywhere from 1!.5 gallons to 2G for this!. Mean while bring another pot of water to 140F - 150F!. Remove your grains from the first pot, and then rinse them with the clean water into your first pot!. This is called sparging!.

Now, you're going to want to add your malt extract at this point!.!.!. slowly and with the pot off of the heat so you don't scorch the extract!. Return to the heat and bring to a boil for at least 60 minutes!.!.!. DO NOT LEAVE THE POT! There is a ton of starch in the water and a boil over can happen at any time!.

Depending on your recipe you are going to want to add your hops and flavoring agents at different times during the boil!. Generally, adding them early imparts flavor and adding them later imparts aroma!.

Here is my secret for getting the mash to 80F or below to pitch the yeast since I can't afford a wurt chiller ($65 - $80) Add 2 bags of ice to your primary fermenter and then add your mash!. If you aren't already at 5 gallons add sterile water to bring it to 5G!. Take the temp and when the mash is below temp toss in your yeast!. It is now officially wort!.

Seal the bucket and add your air lock!. Leave it sit for a week!.!.!. On average!.!.!. really depends on the beer you’re brewing!.

Move it to your secondary fermenter after the first week and then let it sit for another week!. This will help with clarity!.

After your second week you are ready to bottle!. If you haven't saved enough non-twist off bottles from your own heavy drinking then you can always purchase them!. Remember to wash and sanitize them!.!.!. I wash them with a bottle brush then put them in the dishwasher!.!.!. The heat dry setting is sufficient to kill any nastiness that might be left over!.

So, take your priming sugar and dilute it in a cup of clean water then bring to a boil for about five minutes!. Sugar in its natural state isn't fermentable until boiled!. Chill this down some!.!.!. covered by a sanitized lid!. Add it to your bottling bucket and transfer your beer into the bucket as well!. Using a bottling wand, fill all your bottles and cap (you sanitized those also BTW)!.

Let them sit for about 2 week to carbonate!.

Chill and enjoy!.

Or watch these!.!.!. Alton's episode as mentioned above!.!.!. good stuff!.!.!. err good eats:

Good Eats Amber Waves Part 1:


Part 2:

19 hours ago - Edit - Delete
Primary: Nothing
Secondary: Sadly, nothing either
Recipe book: Sour Apple Witte
Fridge: Orange Saison!.!.!. and I'm darn proud of this one!.



Sorry!.!.!. feel like an idiot!.!.!. I just noticed you asked "Do you home brew!?" and not "how"!.!.!. My bad!.

Yes, I do homebrew!. I'm currantly working on recipe for a sour apple witte beer and/or a mint IPA!. I just finished a few weeks ago an Orange Saison!.!.!. It is darn good if I do say so myself!. It definetly got recorded in the recipe book for future batches!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I brew, but haven't here lately, and seriously need too because I'm almost out of beer!. I have a Maibock on tap right now that I made, not my favorite style, but after about 3 of them, I don't care anymore!. I also have a Chipotle Amber Smoked Ale that I made!. It's fairly light on the smoked grain, but has a nice chipotle flavor with a slight pepper burn on the lips and back of the throat!. It also is about 9%abv!. I've also dabbled with wine making, and have a Korean buddy who taught me how to make Korean rice wine!. I have a batch I made that is half rice half barley that is pretty tasty!. I'm not sure what I'm going to make next, but it will be much cherished!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I brew my own beer, vint my own wine, and compound my own liqueurs!. Each of them includes a search for the perfect clone, of Orval's La Petite, Sidi Larbi, and Rumona, respectively!. I'm not there yet but it's fun to drink the mistakes!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

No!.!.!.!. tried to once & it tasted awful plus cost me more than if I had bought it myselfWww@FoodAQ@Com

yes, my morning java:)Www@FoodAQ@Com

yes, I do!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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