How long can I keep an unopened bottle of wine for before drinking it?!

Question: How long can I keep an unopened bottle of wine for before drinking it!?
And if I am storing a small amount (around ten, red and white) bottles for long periods, is it better to use a cooler or a naturally-aired shaded cupboard!?


How long a wine will age and improve depends on the tannic structure of the wine!. Most big reds (Cabernet Sauvignon, Shiraz/Syrah, Zinfandel, etc) will be fine for 5-10 years in most cases as long as it is not exposed to extreme temperatures (hot or cold)!. Less tannic wines will mature and degrade a lot more quickly (the reason Beajoulais, California Chardonnay, etc!. should be drunk young), whereas drier, bigger, more tannic wines, in some cases, can age for decades!.

A big issue is keeping the cork moist!. A dry cork is much more susceptible to allowing oxygen in!. Just because a bottle may have been upright for a while (even a long while) doesn't mean it's doomed! Especially if it is sealed with an alternative closure (read: not real cork)!. As long as the oxygen stays out you're fine!.

You don't want to store wine in a refrigerator, for a long time, because vibrations from the motor will speed up the aging process of the wine!.

Given the two choices you have above, I would recommend shaded cupboard!. Just chill the whites just before you're ready for them!Www@FoodAQ@Com

unopened bottles of wine can be kept indefinately as far as I know!. However, you have to keep the bottle slightly inverted so the cork stays wet!. If the cork is allowed to dry out (ie if the bottle is sitting upright) then air will come in and ruin the wine (turning it into vinegar)!. I've always heard that keeping them in the dark is best!. I don't believe that refridgeration is necessary, but it shouldn't be too hot eitherWww@FoodAQ@Com

It depends on what grape it is!.

Most whites aren't made for years of storage, you should open them within a year!.

Reds have a long life, Cabs, Merlots, Pinots, get better with age!. Age equating to years!. You should use a temperature and humidity controlled environment that you want to keep longer than 6 months!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Unless it's REALLY expensive to start with, maybe 2 years max for whites, less if it's a young fresh style!. Perhaps 3-6 years for reds!. you'll find that reds are already aged before they hit the shops and are thus "ready to drink"!.

Most wine isn't made for keeping unless it's top end quality stuff!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

The cupboard definately - especially if it is red wine!. And duration I would say you could get away with around a year but perhaps longer if it is a really good quality wine!. You don't want it to go all vinegary tasting!

Enjoy your wine!Www@FoodAQ@Com

doesnt it keep forever!? Thats what I thought, some wine people have a date for the best times to open certain wines!. like this month would be good for a specific 1964 wine or something!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

best kept on their sides in a shaded cupboard!.!.!.the white ones in the cooler a few hours before use and the red at room temperature before use!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Some wine become bitter or looses flavor with age - I use this wine when cooking and not drinking straight!.

Storage in the fridge will stop natural fermentation!. The best is to store in your basement or a dark cool area!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I dont know- I don't really drink wine that often!. I only drink around everyother day!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

It depends how good a wine it is to start off with!

Some need to be drunk "young"!

So all those that say "they'll keep forever" etc!.!.!.!.!. - pah!Www@FoodAQ@Com

FOREVER!. That's the point of wine!.

Cupboards are better!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

If it's good wine 5000 years (an exaggeration but you get the point), it should be stored in a cupboard!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

After a while it will start to go off!.!.!. drink it asap while it still tastes OK!. Good advice from the bloke who chills his red - and enjoys it!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

for decades!.

the older the better in most cases as long as they are stored properly!.

best is in a basement or cellar!.!.!.!.somewhere coolWww@FoodAQ@Com

you can keep it for years and yearsWww@FoodAQ@Com

naturally aired cubbored (wine celler) it dosent really matter how long you ceep it wine gets better with ageWww@FoodAQ@Com

if you keep it in a cool dark place, it will stay good for a long timeWww@FoodAQ@Com

however long it just gets better with age!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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