6 point beer question?!
In Texas, the beer is a little stronger than most, they call it 6 point, but it's actually around 5!.!.!.!.!.!.but are there any other states in the USA that serve a full strength beer, outside of having to visit a liquor store!?!?!?
Check my history, I definately do award the 10 points for the best answer!!Www@FoodAQ@Com
Check my history, I definately do award the 10 points for the best answer!!Www@FoodAQ@Com
Some states limit the alcohol by volume (ABV) of beers sold within that state!. Most mass-produced beers (Bud, Miller, Heineken, Labatt, etc!.) are around the 5% ABV mark!. Many craft beers tend to be much higher than that (Belgian Ales, Imperial Stouts & Double IPA's, etc!.) These are beers that appeal primarily to beer enthusiasts because they are very complex and can be pretty pricey!. Unfortunately, many styles of craft beer cannot be found in states that limit the ABV of beer sold there!.
Other states, like mine thankfully, do not have a restriction on ABV (available in my state, for example, is Dogfish Head 120 MInute IPA at 21% ABV, Dogfish Head World Wide Stout is 18%, and Sam Adams Utopias are 26% ABV - the highest ABV beer available!.)
It is common to find beers with higher ABV's on tap, not just in a bottle, at good beer bars or brewpubs that brew their own beer on the premesis!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Other states, like mine thankfully, do not have a restriction on ABV (available in my state, for example, is Dogfish Head 120 MInute IPA at 21% ABV, Dogfish Head World Wide Stout is 18%, and Sam Adams Utopias are 26% ABV - the highest ABV beer available!.)
It is common to find beers with higher ABV's on tap, not just in a bottle, at good beer bars or brewpubs that brew their own beer on the premesis!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
I don't know about all states, but I know that I have bought beer with a higher alcohol content in California, Maryland, DC, and North Carolina!. In NC, I bought Victory Golden Monkey (8!.9%) at the grocery store!. In DC and Maryland, I bought Dogfish Head 90 Minute IPA (9%) at bars!. In California, I had a Stone Double Bastard Ale at a restaurant (10% ABV)!. In Ohio, I also bought the Stone Double Bastard from the grocery!. There is the extent of my first hand experience drinking beers with a higher ABV that were purchased outside of a liquor store!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
THe average light beer is between 4-5!.3% alc/vol!. I live in PA, which has lame "commonwealth" laws!. I would never buy a beer that is 3!.something!. My opinion is this!.!.!.if you buy beer, buy something good!. I have Samuel Adams (different types monthly) on tap in my home and will never look back!. **** random, cheap beers!.!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
All beer basically has the same amount of alcohol contend!. You may seem some that has 6 or even 7 but for all the beer!.!.!.it is all full strength!.Www@FoodAQ@Com