How long can I keep an unopened malt for before drinking it?!

Question: How long can I keep an unopened malt for before drinking it!?
What are the ideal conditions for storing a malt long-term!?


Indefinitely, it will not keep maturing, that finished in the barrel, keep it in a coll place away from direct sunlight!. On the will power side though - how can you resist it!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

How is it contained!? If it is in a can, then keeping it in a temperature controlled area will help reduce the 'metal' taste it picks up with age, and it can be kept pretty much indefinitely!. If it is kept in a bottle and is kept out of the light and in a temperature neutral area, then it is the same only no metal taste!. If it is in a keg, same thing as a can!. The only thing you need worry about is temperature, light and air!. Light will skunk a beer in no time!. If the container loses it's seal and outside air gets to the beer, it will skunk pretty quickly as well!. Temperature changes will have no effect on the beer itself, but may cause the container to swell and contract which may break the seal and allow outside air to get to the beer!.

My philosophy with beer has always been, drink it up!.!.!.they'll make more!Www@FoodAQ@Com

Is this a question about your willpower!? :)

Well, if that's no problem I see no reason it can't be kept many, many years!. Try contacting an expert on the matter, there must be sites devoted to this kind of thing!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Decades - not sure about ideal keeping conditions though!. I would say somewhere cool and dark!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

The thing about a good malt is it will last for ever unopened but disappears quickly when its openedWww@FoodAQ@Com

the longer the better!.

aslong as you store it in a cool dry place!.


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