How can I become a Sommelier?!

Question: How can I become a Sommelier!?
I am only just getting in to wine and would like a job revolving around it!. How can I become a Sommelier in the UK, bearing in mind I am still an absolute novice at present!?


Get a job in a restaurant!. A sommelier is -- at the simplest -- the waiter responsible for wine service!. At a larger restaurant the sommelier will be responsible for choosing the wines on the winelist, buying and storing those wines!. And they should know a lot about wines!.

So, two track approach!. Start learning about wines -- and that means tasting as many as you can, see if you can get a job in the business!. The restaurant business is underpaid and means working long hours in the evenings and weekends!.

Formal wine training will involve the WSET qualifications!. You can do these independently but once in thebusiness you should get assistance from your employer to study!.

Remember that if you're going to get a job as a sommelier paying -- say -- £18,000 a year, that your employer needs to make around £30K from wine just to pay your salary, benefits tax etc!. So only a few expensive restuarants have dedicated sommeliers!. They are not going to employ anyone straight in as a sommelier no matter what paper qualifications they hold unless they are sure they can sell wine and work in a restuarant envirnoment!.

That is why it is best to getto work in the restaurant business in any waiting capacity first!.

I suggest you read Tales of a Sommelier blog at http://grazzac!.blogspot!.com/ (go back and read it from beginning!.

WSET is at http://www!.wset!.co!.uk/Www@FoodAQ@Com

I'd think the quickest way would be to go to school!. The alternative would be to work in a very busy wine barWww@FoodAQ@Com

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