Will this setup work im extremely doubtfull of it?!

Question: Will this setup work im extremely doubtfull of it!?
im brewing the recipe that i found here http://www!.wikihow!.com/Make-Kool-Aid-Win!.!.!. i altered the recipe as i needed to because i wasnt using a gallon jug just a 2 liter pop bottle i used 21/2 cup of sugar and mixed that with 4 cups of water untill it was all dissovled and ithen i added the activated yeast and filled it up to the top of the label and then shoke it up again i had no balloons on hand so i just left the cap on and every hour on the hour i have been twisting the cap far enough open to let all the co2 out it seems to be working but im doubtfull of it do you think it will work !?!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

Good luck! Usually the yeast has to be gently stirred in when you're brewing - that's probably why they used a jug!.
Sounds like a lot of work for a couple of litres, 'cos you'll have to keep the temp!. right for the yeast to work on the sugar - if it gets too hot it'll kill the yeast, if it's a bit on the cool side, it'll take forever and and if too cold the mix will need warming up because the fermentation will stall!. You'll be so tired being up on the hour to loosen the lid til it's ready that you'll probably get drunk on the smell of it if it ferments properly!! You have to get the alcohol off the sediment somehow before you try drinking it too!. I do mine in 25 litre lots - that's 21 litres of water with 6 or 7 kg of sugar and the yeast added when the water is 30% - Gently Bentley - and use an air lock in a sealed fermenter!. Don't know where you're from, but distilling is legal in my country, so I go the extra step and distil and filter it and get some very nice spirit and liqueurs out of it!. Wouldn't hurt to use a food quality carbon with a coffee filter and funnel to filter your lot to get a smoother brew if it works!.
Again, good luck!Www@FoodAQ@Com

in all honesty, it will give you alcohol!.!. the quality of the product, that's the issue!. It may taste like crap when your drunk, but it'll get you drunk!. If it turns out awsome, you did it right!. (rare chance)Www@FoodAQ@Com

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