Do you think if i drank coffee all night to stay up all night?!

Question: Do you think if i drank coffee all night to stay up all night!?
i have school tomorrow but i dont want to go to bed
do you think if i drank coffee all night and did something else, i could make it till tomorrow night!? lolWww@FoodAQ@Com

YES!. You might be able to stay up through the night drinking a large amount of coffee!. High Caffeine intake is a known to cause insomnia!.

However, you might want to consider drinking a strong tea!. Teas such as Earl Gray and Lipton contain a little less caffeine then coffee, but they also contain 2 mild additional stimulants called theobromine and theophylline!. These other two stimulants are milder and have less of a jittery effect!. Chocolate also contains theobromine (as well as a very small amount of caffeine, which is the reason why it gives you a good feeling "kick"!. BY drinking tea and eating a little chocolate, you can cut back on some of the caffeine, since too much caffeine can dehydrate you and make you jittery!.

also, drink a lot of water!. Believe it or not, keeping well hydrated is one of the best ways to keep alert!. I'm speaking from 8 years of army experience here!. It works! Make you sure you intake a little salt to retain that water too!.

Take a vitamin pack!. They cost 1 dollar from your local conveince store and they contain tons of vitamin B, which is essential for energy production!.

Get a really good nights sleep the night before!.

If you have a really hard time staying up, you can purchase pseudoephedrine, the active ingrediant in suddafed cold medicine (they stimulate dopamine release in the brain, which helps keep you alert)!. Just be sure you take only 2 as the product says because taking higher doses can produce quite unpleasant side effects!. Like caffeine, in the same manner they can be addictive, but an occasional use to stay awake shouldn't be of great concern!. These can dehydrate you too, so drink water!.

I hope this helps!. :0)Www@FoodAQ@Com

You could but there will be side-effects:
1) You will spend half the night in the bathroom getting rid of the coffee plus the water that it pulls out of your body!.
2) You will become dehydrated, unless you replace the water loss, which will keep you in the bathroom longer!.
3) There will be a reaction the next day!. You may fall asleep in class!. (I've done that when I haven't been drinking coffee!.) You will not be as alert as if you'd slept!. You could "crash" at any time!.
In summary, it's not a good idea!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

It is possible!. But when you consume coffee, It gives you lots of energy!. And it gets very gross!. During the night, if you drink coffee, try tea and other caffeine drinks!. also, try drinking energy drinks(rockstar, redbull!.!.!.!.ect!.!.) and caffeine capsules!.

Whatever you do make sure you do push ups or danse every hour or so to filter your energy!!!!!!! Good luck! i've done it before!Www@FoodAQ@Com

it is possible but you will be tweaking like hell!. I would suggest those five hour energy shots, orange juice, and water!. also take a multivitamin if possible and don't forget to eat a midnight meal !. Caffeine is useful but when you try and use it to much it will mess up your system!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

yes you could make it until tomorrow night but make sure you get plenty of sleep after that or your body will cease to function!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Yes, but if you take a lot of laxitives their is less caffiene and you will stay up and running!.

Dennis GWww@FoodAQ@Com

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