OMG scareddd?!

Question: OMG scareddd!?
So, theres this tradition at our school thats been going on for a very very very long time!.!. Every friday before memorial day wknd, all the seniors skip, and go to this camp site in Rhode Island for like 3-4 days!.!. It's a state park near the beach, so people go to the beach during the day, and come back and party at night in the woods!. A lot of rules have changed and the rangers got even more strict this year!. Theres gonna be a lot of drinking there, and someone told me they can search your stuff!.!. If we put it in like juice bottles or something, can they do that!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

teachers, cops, rangers, they know all the tricks!.
they'll open your bottles and smell what inside!. unless its like a water bottle that hasnt even been opened yet then they have no reason to look!.

they're not going to search EVERYONE though in a park!.
unless you're acting REALLY stupid, THEN they can!. but they usually won't unless you or people you're with are passed out or something!. and when you're bottle's empty, throw it out right away!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

yeah they can check!.!.!.you can say its "invasion of privacy"
but they can check whatever they want if you give them reason to believe you will be underage drinking!.!.!.!.sucks to have to be 21 in the states!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Nope!. Those damn rangers have NEVER seen anyone hide booze in juice bottles!. You'll really be pulling one over on them!!

It is called sarcasm people!. What!? Did two Rangers come in here and get offended!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

Isn't there something else you could do that would be more fun and not involve underage drinking!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

Oh yeah and get a ticket for minor in possessionWww@FoodAQ@Com

yes!.I'm sure they know all the tricks!.Put the drink in a small bottle and hide it in your shoes(in your backpack)!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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