Alcoholic refuses to get rid of beer?!

Question: Alcoholic refuses to get rid of beer!?
I have a friend that has an alcoholic for a husband!. He has promised her he will stop drinking!. He refuses to get rid of the beer in the fridge!. She ask him why he is keeping it!. He won't give her an answer!. All he will say is "it's just there" It is my opinion that he is not sincere in his "quitting" I think all he is doing is telling her what she wants to hear to keep her from leaving him and when things smooth out again he will start all over again!. I think if he was for real he would not have a problem getting rid of the beer!. What do you think!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

From my own personal experience in being married to an alcoholic:
~ the alcoholic has to WANT to quit drinking!. Threats, tears, pleas, reasoning, counseling didn't work for us!.
~ until the alcoholic hits his "bottom" and decides for himself that it is his "bottom" he won't quit!.
Suggest to your friend that she might find strength by attending Alanon meetings regularly - if for no other reason than to find a place to air her feelings of betrayal!.

Yes, alcoholics will say anything to avoid loss of what is comfortable to them!. Their first priority, however,is the drink!.

My hubby and I have been together for 18 years and of those, my hubby is now coming up on his 2nd year of sobriety!.!.!.he attends at least 3 meetings a week and meets with his sponsor for a more in depth meeting once a month!.

If your friend were to diligently attend Alanon and seek counseling for herself, she most likely will gain the strength and guidance to make the decision to stay in the relationship until he bottoms out!. Or leave!.

I hope that helps!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Not true!. Some alcoholics feel more comfortable holding on to a bottle to take away the "I need to go get some" feeling!. It is almost like, it is there if I want it but I am going to stop myself!. Main thing is his going to AA every night!. It is also not your issue so please don't interfere by telling her things you are not experienced with!. It may cause arguments between them and promote his continued drinking!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

i think you are too judgemental there is nothing wrong with a beer after work and a couple to watch a game on TV

as blokes we don't ask for much so why grumble after all i bet you spend more on Makeup and your hair, than he does on his beer!.

let then man have his beerWww@FoodAQ@Com

taking a mans beer, to put it in perspective, is like taking shopping away from you girls!.!.!.he'll go crazy!!! !.!.!.and by the way,alcoholism is a disease like cancer!.!.!.should you or your friend be mad at someone for having cancer!?!? no!. she should try to be a bit caring and understanding!.!.!.its hard for both of them to deal with im sure!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

He has a drinking problem for sure!. There must be a problem and he is unhappy!. She should find out whats making him unhappy and go from there!.
May I suggest a!.a!.a!.
Now if he goes and spends his time at the bar everyday she should really consider marriage counsel!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

yea my dad and grandpa are alcoholics and my grandpa used to hide beer anywear he could in the bushes ect!.!.
but my dad went to AA and now he dosent drink anymore hes been sober for 13 years but at first most alcoholics arent really sincere about quitingWww@FoodAQ@Com

i would say its more of a mental reasurence, when i stopped smoking i had a pack of smokes unopened close by, but it was just my way of coppingWww@FoodAQ@Com

its really none of your business since its not your husbandWww@FoodAQ@Com

Honestly, I think you should mind your business, Not your worry!.!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Is he truly an alcoholic or just one because you and the friend married to him thinks so!? A true alcoholic can't stop at 1,2 or 3 beers, they have to drink into a stupor and they can't stop drinking all at once without getting DT's!. If I were you, I would stay out of it, let them sort it out!. The worst thing you can do is advise your friend on her marriage, whatever happens will be your fault if you give advice!. Be there for her to talk to but don't hand out any advice no matter how much you want to!. Tell her she needs to work this one out for herself!. Keep your opinions to yourself!. (My hubby has a case of beer in our closet and 3 in the frig!. It will take him 1-2 years to drink it all!. Nothing wrong with that!. He also likes an occasional glass of wine and an occasional coke and Jack Daniels!.)Www@FoodAQ@Com

I think that if he isn't drinking it then it doesn't need to be worried about!.

The first thing you need to realize is that most people who have been labeled "alcoholics"!.!.!. AREN'T!. Of those labeled as "alcoholic" less than 30% actually are!. The other 70%+ are what we call problem drinkers!. A problem drinker's problem is that they lack self control and need to learn moderation!. Now, it is possible that your friend’s husband is truly an alcoholic!.!.!. I don't personally know him and can't speak to what his actual issue is!. But, maybe!.!.!. just maybe!.!.!. he is a problem drinker and needs to learn to control himself!. The worst thing a!.!.!. lets just use PB from now on!.!.!. The worst thing a PB can do is remove all temptation!. Self control is really REALLY easy when you don't actually have to do anything to control yourself!. But, having the beer in the refrigerator tempting him!.!.!. is a test!. What I guess he is doing is seeing if he can be around the alcohol and still do without it!.

Let him be!. If it becomes a problem again!.!.!. you and his wife can both forgive him and help him try again!.!.!. or you can punish him!. Alcohol issues aren't easy to overcome!. I myself was a problem drinker for many years and it took me several years to learn to control myself!. Now, I can sit down and enjoy one or two beers with dinner or while relaxing in front of the TV at night!. I don't feel the need to finish that six pack after I've started it!. Maybe that is what he wants to learn also!.

Now, if he is an alcoholic!.!.!. is truly addicted to alcohol!. He needs to seek help!. Help from his wife!. Help from his family!. Help from his friends and help from a counselor!. NOT AA! AA is a cult that is one step away from drinking poisoned kool-aide!. A certified counselor that can actually help him!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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