What is your favorite alcohol related myth?!

Question: What is your favorite alcohol related myth!?
Absinthe makes you hallucinate!?

Beer before liquor never sicker!?

Or something completely different!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

My most annoying myth is that if you brew alcohol, you are likely to go blind if you drink it!. This myth comes from prohibition times when bad moonshiners would mix denatured alcohol or methylated spirits with their brew to make it stronger!. The methanol would make you blind and/or kill you!. Natural brewing processes never do this!.

Favorite myth (I mean truth), is that making and drinking home brew enlarges your penis and makes you a better lover!. Ask any home brewer, and none of them will deny it!.

Edit, Oh, snap, Kateb below me answered a good oneWww@FoodAQ@Com

doobopp, the myth is why Absinthe was illegal!. The truth is why the ban was lifted!.

"Beer before liquor, never sicker" is my favorite myth!. It's my favorite myth because I still believe it, and you ain't changing my mind!Www@FoodAQ@Com

isnt beer before liquor never sicker true!? i just posted that on another question!. and doesnt absinthe make you hallucinate!? ive never had it but isnt thats why its illigal in the united states!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

I like the people who say beers like guinness are so much thicker and have more calories!.!.!. it has 125 a bottle!.!.!. and the nitrogen makes it a technically "lighter" beerWww@FoodAQ@Com

Lemon Gin Makes You Go BlindWww@FoodAQ@Com

All American-made beer is tastes bad!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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