Cheapest long island iced tea?!

Question: Cheapest long island iced tea!?
I wanna make a couple long island iced tea's for a party tomorrow night and i cant afford to buy all the liquors!. Do they make it pre-maid or is ther a way to buy all the indgrediants cheap and it still taste good!?!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

Well I have had to do this a couple of times when I couldn't afford all the liquors to put into a Long Island when there is a big crowd!. I get a big bottle of the premade Ice Tea ($12), a 2 liter bottle of Nestea Ice Tea ($1!.25), a fifth of Bacardi Light Rum ($13!.00), and a couple of lemons ($1) cut into slices and do your own mixing to make it more!. Of course it will be a little more rum than anything else and you will have to taste for strength, but it does save alot of money!. also you can use more or less rum and ice tea, depending on the number of people drinking, but I suggest that you do not drink the premade by itself!.!.!.!.!.it doesn't taste all that great unless you add a little bit more liquor and ice tea with it!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I have come across some pre-made Long Island Tea mix with the liqour in it, but it didn't taste very good!. My suggestion to you would be to go ahead and buy a bottle of vodka, gin, rum, and triple sec!. One you mix your liquours togeter add sweet and sour and pepsi (until it's the right color) then you could make a huge batch of LIT's at once and it would taste a lot better than the pre made stuff!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Here's the traditional recipe:
1/2 oz rum
1/2 oz vodka
1/2 oz gin
1/2 oz triple sec
fill with half Coke and sweet and sour mix in tall glass, filled with ice!. Garnish with lemon!.

Have each of your guests bring an ingredient!. Mix and have a great timeWww@FoodAQ@Com

If you have 7 people coming, have one person bring a different ingredient (rum, gin vodka, tequila, sour mix, cola, orange liqueur [triple sec, cointreau, grand marnier, gran gala, etc!.])

There are pre-made mixes available though!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

montebello's long island iced tea!.!.!.12oz for like 7 bucksWww@FoodAQ@Com

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