What is the difference between Alcoholism & Binge Drinking?!

Question: What is the difference between Alcoholism & Binge Drinking!?
""you can be an alcoholic and only drink one drink a week, but you NEED it!. It's about physical dependance, not volume!. binge drinking is just drinking to excess!. It can be every night or only one night!. Someone can be a binge drinker and not an alcoholic, or an alcoholic without being a binge drinker, or you can be both!.""

""Alcoholism is adiction to alcohol!. Meaning your are physically or mentally dependant!.
Bing drinking is drinking a lot in one night!. Five or more in a sitting is a rough estimate!.""

alcoholic's are dependant!. they're addicted, their brains tell them that they NEED to drink to survive; alcohol is just another type of drug for them!.

usually binge drinking isn't a dependency!? it's just something people do!.!. to like!.!.!. party!. people can have a habit of binge drinking, but it doesn't make them an alcoholic!. it just means!.!. they like alcohol!. or they're bored as **** :) and like someone else sayd: alcoholics have a physical and mental addiction, their brains tell them they need the alcohol, and their bodies need it (or else they go through withdraws)!. some people DO binge drink to drown emotional pain, but it's not a physical and mental addiction, it's just drinking to get numb!. that's what i used to do!. that's why i don't think i ever was an alcoholic, because i liked drinking, but i didn't NEED to drink!. it was a familiar habit, not an addiction!. i hope that makes sense!.

now i'm curious!. why are you asking this!? :-s

Edit: oh, and another thing!. alcoholism, like other addictions, never goes away!. binge drinking, or alcohol abuse, or whatever you wanna call it, it's something people do for whatever reasons, but their NOT addicted, and if they needed and got therapy for it, the problem WOULD go away!.

alcoholics fight their problem for THE REST OF THEIR LIVVVVVVVVESSSSSSS!. thats why people say ""hi!. i'm fred :) and i've been sober for 5 years"" it's because the longer they withhold from drinking, the less they want it, and they can control themselves!. if fred, who was sober for 5 years, relapsed and got drunk, it would be VERY HARD for him to quit again!.

it's like drugs and eating disorders, alcoholism an addiction that people fight for the rest of their lives!. if you get addicted to heroin, and you quit, you still fight the addiction for the rest of your life!. same with bulimia!. again, this is why i never thought i was an alcoholic, because i didn't need the alcohol!. i was going through a rough few months or whatever!. but now i get drunk and it doesn't make me dependant, because i don't think i ever had a problem (wait no, scratch that, i DID have a problem, i DIDNT have an addiction!. binge drinking is still a problem!. even if it isnt an addiction)

you're a good chum >:D< o0o that was a long answer!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Alcoholism and Binge Drinking are both forms of alcohol abuse!. While an Alcoholic can be a binge drinking alcoholic!. Most Binge Drinkers are not themselves alcoholics!.

Alcoholism is an addiction to alcohol and most often has painful, emotional roots that manifest themselves in a physical addiction!.

Binge drinking is drinking strictly to get drunk, numb and wild!. While sometimes there is an emotional reason, it is often a short-term reason, usually (though not always) a celebratory one!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

you can be an alcoholic and only drink one drink a week, but you NEED it!. It's about physical dependance, not volume!. binge drinking is just drinking to excess!. It can be every night or only one night!. Someone can be a binge drinker and not an alcoholic, or an alcoholic without being a binge drinker, or you can be both!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Alcoholism is when a person is constantly drinking!. Like, drinking several beers every single night!.
Then binge drinking is like a weekend warrior!. Where a person typically doesn't drink but a day or two a week, or even like every other week, but they drink a very large amount in a short amount of time!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Alcoholism is a prolonged state!.

Binge drinking is an event!.

Both can intertwine however (an alcoholic may binge drink)!.

I disagree with the previous poster who said a couple of beers a night can mean your an alcoholic!. A couple of drinks a night is actually good for you!. Most people who live to long ages have a healthy drinking habit!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Alcoholism is adiction to alcohol!. Meaning your are physically or mentally dependant!.

Bing drinking is drinking a lot in one night!. Five or more in a sitting is a rough estimate!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

i think binge drinking is a form of alcoholism!.

binge drinking: http://en!.wikipedia!.org/wiki/Binge_drink!.!.!.


Pour a drink!. Do you want it or need it!? Needing it is a problem!. Binge drinker wouldn't look at it as its only oneWww@FoodAQ@Com

admitting you have a problemWww@FoodAQ@Com

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