What is the worst beer youve ever tasted?!

Question: What is the worst beer youve ever tasted!?

i might as well have urinated into a bottle and drank itWww@FoodAQ@Com

All of the above mentioned are pretty bad!. I can't really add to the list, you guys pretty much named the worst ones: Budweiser, Miller High Life, Natty Ice, "The Beast", PBR!.

Funny story about Fosters, though!. I had a roommate that would try different exotic beers with me, as well as the cheap swill from time to time!. One day he comes home with an "oilcan" of Fosters!. I'd never tried Fosters, and said I wouldn't because even though the commercials are funny, they are basically making fun of how bad the beer tastes "Australian for beer"!. If the commercial makes fun of the beer, it must be terrible!. Anyway, my roommate starts drinking on that 30 oz can of beer, and I guess he said it tasted like piss!. I've never had the notion to try Fosters before or since then, and I've pretty much drank everything beer-wise!.

Lesson: The better the advertising, the worse the beer will taste!. At least that's my experience!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Lakeport and Lucky are absolute garbage!.

Never had Fosters!. I didn't mind Carling but it was only decent!.

Miller is trash, even their 'premium' MGD wasn't that great!.

I don't mind Guinness, but I agree with the other person that it's a bit too thick!. When I first started drinking I thought it was the best, but I have since come to love Alexander Keith's and Steam Whistle, two great Canadian beers!. Surprisingly the last time that I had Guinness I thought that it tasted watered down and weak which is odd!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

The worst that I have had was a generic beer!. When I was living on the east coast they sold generic products!. This stuff was sold in stores / supermarkets!. The products would be in a white box, white can or container!. In this case it was a white can with black letters stamped beer!.

My cousin drank it because it was cheap!. It was not a good tasting item for sure!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

as any college kid who isn't a complete moron and has a little bit of sophistication can tell you, keystone light and/or natty lite/ice beers are by far the most disgusting drinks to ever masquerade as beer!. Of more mainstream and slightly less disgusting taste are Coors and Miller High Life!. I pity people who actually order Coors Light in a bar!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

A couple of homebrews were bad enough that they never made it to the secondary fermenter!. A spruce beer was horrible at first but matured a year or two later when it stopped tasting like Pine-Sol!.

For commercial beers, Corona "wins", hands down!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Bush - Vile and nasty!. The only beer that gives me a headache after drinking 1-2!. also, any Mexican beer, like Corona!. You are supposed to add a wedge of lime to cover the taste!. How ridiculous!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Milwaukee's Best, also known as the Beast!. Cheap as hell, which is the only reason anyone buys it!. I prefer even Natty to Beast because Natty's simply watery and gross, Beast is like concentrated goat piss!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

oh boy i really hate miller!.!. "the high life"
it's really gross tasting but i love the slogan haha

tuborg is REALLY good though!.!.

lucky is gross,
lakeport pilsner is gross

and carling

my least favorites!. lolWww@FoodAQ@Com

Guinness!. I tried to like it since my friends swore up and down by it!. But it's horrid!. I don't want to have to eat my beer!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Any Lambic
They are just plain weird a beer wine hybrid thats takes the worts of each and combines them into one terible productWww@FoodAQ@Com

probably!. budweiser and natural ice!. also, king cobra and olde english bottles are nasty!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Any of the "fruity" beers like ones that taste like berries or lemonade!. If I wanted a frickin' juice box, I would have bought one!
I'm partial to pale ales!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Milwaukee's best, Tastes terrible and a headache in a bottle!.!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com


i'd say anything that's not an amber color!.
light colored beers also taste like what i imagine pee tastes like!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

the mongolian beerWww@FoodAQ@Com

the worst i have tasted are: guinnus, vb, and the generic ****Www@FoodAQ@Com

Black Label Light

Old Milwaukee panther peeWww@FoodAQ@Com

Any of the amber beers, they taste like gym socks and bal* sweatWww@FoodAQ@Com


All beer, yuckWww@FoodAQ@Com


All of it!!!Www@FoodAQ@Com

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