Do margaritas contain hard liquor?!

Question: Do margaritas contain hard liquor!?
I'm going out for drinks with my mom and my aunt (her sister) for my aunt's 50th birthday party and they suggested that I try a margarita!.

I don't do well with hard liquor (i!.e!. Jose Cuervo, Jaeger, etc) and I can only have one drink at one time!. Is a margarita really light on the booze!? I don't like drinking more than 12% alcohol per volume (call me a wimp but that's how I am; I have this weird fear of turning into an alcoholic)!.

If it's really heavy, are there any light, fruity cocktails I can try!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

Margaritas always have tequila, which is a hard liquor (Jose Cuervo is tequila)!. If they do frozen margaritas, those are usually not as strong as on the rocks!. You might like a flavored margarita on the rocks (most mexican restaurants have fruity flavors to choose from)!.

Whatever you order, you can always ask them to make it weak!. The only problem is if you order a drink that is only alcohol (margaritas are not, but Cosmos and martinis are almost entirely liquor)

If you want something light, it's best to order something that has a non-alcoholic ingredient, like Cran and Vodka (great with a flavored vodka like raspberry or apple - also, though vodka is a hard liquor, it's usually not as rough as tequila or rum)!.

Of course, you can always just get beer or a malt drink, like Bacardi Silver, Smirnoff Ice, or even hard cider (Woodchuck is a good one, and has several flavors including raspberry and pear)!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Yeah, they have tequila!. Why not try a beer!? Or a girly beer, like smirnoff wild grape or something!. I mean, you're mixing margarittas with other stuff, so it's not like THAT much alcohol!. Maybe something more like a pina colada!? I think it has less!? Or maybe a coffee with Bailey's!? And you can always ask the bar tender!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

one margarita contains one shot of tequila, and one shot of triple sec (sweet liquore)!. But cuz of all the ice and sweet n sour (or whatever flavor you get), it's pretty watered down!. One marg shouldn't affect you!.

If you're still worried, try a strawberry dacquiri!. That's just a shot of rum and very much a 'girly' beginners drink!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Mm, be careful!. I found out that a bar I was at was adding grain alcohol to their margaritas!. Of course, after drinking a couple!.!.!.!.

Tell them to make it "light" with a low amount of alcohol - I'm sure they'll respect your request!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Margaritas do contain tequila, but they're usually not mixed very strong!. You'll be fine, and you can rarely taste the alcohol!.

Other fruity drinks include: daquiri, fuzzy navel, sex on the beach, etc!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Yes, they have hard liqour!

For a light drink, maybe wine, midori and lemonade is nice!. Or when ordering a drink ask for it in a 'tall' glass, this will make it weaker!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

they have tequila and triple sec in them!. you can ask them to make you one with wine!. try a mimosa!.!.it is champagne and OJ, taste good and wont get you trashedWww@FoodAQ@Com

If you only have one small margarita, you will get ,at most , a glow, not drunkWww@FoodAQ@Com

Tequila and triple sec

And some put vodka instead of tequila

=] yummmWww@FoodAQ@Com

not really!. it only contains tequilaWww@FoodAQ@Com

It has taquila in it!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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