Do ice cubes have a sell by date?!

Question: Do ice cubes have a sell by date!?
True story! I was in a public house celebrating my birthday so you can imagine I'd had a few drinks!. My mate came to me and told me he wanted to buy me a drink on my birthday so we made our way to the bar!. I ordered a double whisky and when asked if "I wanted ice with it"I replied "Is it fresh!?" to my amazement the young server went and fetched the manager who in no certain terms told me all his ice was fresh!. I took my drink minus the ice and made a quick departure!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

LOL! Great Story!

You could have enjoyed your drink because ice does not go old! The expiration on ice is specifically for the individual place!.

The health department in (insert your state here) does not usually allow consumption of any edible materials after 7 days (on average)!. Regardless of its composition! ;o)Www@FoodAQ@Com

all i know is that all ice buckets in establishments which serve the public MUST be cleaned out and put through a dishwasher or washed and rinsed in water at a minimum of 80 degrees celsius to kill bacteria at least twice a day if the establishment is an all day servery or at the end of the day if it is in normal working hours, 9-5, as for a sell by date, as such, no, but you can keep ice cubes too long and they can start to go "off" if kept a long period of time, hope this helpsWww@FoodAQ@Com

It might as well have as theres a sell by date on mineral water!. All those centuries flowing through the country but as soon as you bottle it it has a life expectancy!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

They just meant they made it on premise, ice expires only when it melts!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

No, they are made on the premises!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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