Imaginations needed!?!

Question: Imaginations needed!!?
Hey all,
I'm going out tonight with my best buddy and a couple of other friends!. Anyway, my buddy is looking forward to getting tanked, as he always is, lol, and he expects me to drink with him!. Normally I DO drink with him and its loads of fun, but today I just don't feel like it!. I don't want to tell him I am not drinking, as he kinda likes it when we do it together!. And I don't want to hurt his feelings!.
My question is, what can I drink tonight that LOOKS like it would be alcoholic, but isn't!? I thought of plain Coca Cola and telling him its Jack Daniels and Coke, or Vodka and coke, but I need some more to mix it up a bit and look like i am drinking a variety of drinks, lol!.
Oh, and I can ACT drunk, thats not a problem, i just want to appear to be drinking when I am not!.

Any ideas would be appreciated!
Cheers guys!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Interesting problem!.

You may realize that honesty is the best policy later on, but if you insist!.!.!.

What I would do (and have done actually way long ago) is nurse a beer!. Take small sips!.!.!. pour some out when people arent looking!. That sort of thing!.
It's dishonest, but it works!.

If you absolutely cant stomach that idea, then your soda idea may work!. Although it's easier to spot (as it wont smell like alcohol)!. Plus if you get caught, you look crazy!.
As opposed to nursing a beer!.!.!. at least then you could say that you were trying, but dont feel so good and cant drink that much at the moment!.

Good luck!Www@FoodAQ@Com

Just order the type of drinks you usually drink, but make them virgin!.

I could tell you to order a Shirley Temple, but wouldn't it be obvious to your friend if you're holding a red cocktail if you usually order Jack and Cokes!?

For more realism, ask to add a cherry or lime or some other garnish to your drinks!. I think Club Sodas are what the DDs usually drink!.

If you want to go with the beer idea, ask if they have any non-alcoholic beers that look like their alcoholic version!. For example, St!. Pauli Girl's non-alcoholic version looks just like the alcohol version (except it's green and says non-alcoholic)!.!.!. and Beck's Haake Beck looks exactly like a real Becks!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

If you like Coke, put a wedge of lime in it and tell him it's a Cuba Libre (rum and coke)!. Don't do anything too fancy or he will make fun of you for drinking sissy drinks!!Www@FoodAQ@Com

ginger ale!. virgin pina colada, virgin margaritas, virgin anything!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

You need to find new friends or else get honest and tell him you don't want to drink tonight!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Order ice water with a lemon It is usually free and looks like a drink!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I do soda water with a lime twist!. Looks like a gin/vodka tonic!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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