After a New Years, I can't drink as much as b4?!

Question: After a New Years, I can't drink as much as b4!?
For New Years I got so messed up!. I drank some crap that was cheap and the red Smirnoff that i always loved!. Well i got so sick and threw up so much than i have ever b4!. Now I can get 3 smirnoffs down and no more!. My tongue hates the taste of the red smirnoff and its like im freaking scare!. What can i do to get past this like i wanna be able to be a lil drunk, I only get a buzz with 3 and sad enuff i now like the bj winecoolers that has no taste of liquior!. I hate beers so that wont work!. WHAT CAN I DO!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

try a different liquor or mixed drink, its been known that people subconsiously cant drink the same alcohol that they threw up from!. try something different to get your tolerance back up, them maybe try the smirnoff againWww@FoodAQ@Com

You can stay sober!. Maybe it's your body's way of saying, don't pour this poison down my throat!

Actually, you will get over it!. I did that once with gin and couldn't look a gin bottle in the eye for a few years, but now everything is wunnerfully good agin an i can't rmember anyfing!. i'l jus hav anutha wun !. cheers!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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