Questions about Absinthe (and Mansinthe)?!

Question: Questions about Absinthe (and Mansinthe)!?
2 questions

1- what happens if you drink it right out of the bottle!? i know you shouldnt, but what happens!?

2- anyone know where to find Mansinthe!? (Marilyn Masons new brand of absinthe) i found a site that sells it but i have no idea how much it is since its in sweedishWww@FoodAQ@Com

Mansinthe is 66!.6% abv, lol, so drinking it straight out the bottle would really burn! But drinking that straight out of the bottle would be no different than drinking any strong alcohol straight from the bottle!.

I haven't found it in the US (if that's where you're from) because we only have about 3 absinthe brands to choose from!. However, you can purchase it online!. I usually make purchases from http://www!.alandia!.de , which also has a special Mansinthe/Gothica set, or http://www!.absintheonline!.com/ !.

To the person below me, I love the taste of absinthe!. You may not like it, and that's fine!. However, just because you don't like something, doesn't mean the whole world should have the same feelings as you!. But you are right, there is no proof that is causes hallucinations, and in fact, that's exactly why it's sold in the US again!. Furthermore, the absinthe in the US does contain wormwood and is made the same way it was made before it was banned!. And you are also correct as to how it became banned!. I saw that on the History channel!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

i don't understand what everyone's facination is with absinthe!. i've had it, and it has done nothing except make me want to vomit from the anise flavor!.

i took an alcohol class in college (not AA, but a class about different types of alcohol and things) and I had to write a paper about absinthe!. There was never any real proof that it caused any psycotropic side effects!. The reason they banned it was because the wine companies were pushing for it to be taken off the market because it was hurting their sales!. then some guy got really drunk and killed his family!. also, the ingredient thought to give those side effects is wormwood, which is not even used in the version of absinthe you can purchase in the US

so to answer your questions, i do not know where to find mansinthe!.

and if you drank it out of the bottle you might puke because it tastes really bad!. it also has a high alcohol content, so you would get drunk really fast!. that's about it!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

i found the same website, there was a link for English!. anyway here is the link to order it off line!. http://www!.absinthe!.de/en/shop/alcohol-6!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Mansithe probably causes u to write bad music!. Stick with the Absinthe!. Get sum then share it with me!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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