Cheeks are burningg; why?!

Question: Cheeks are burningg; why!?
last night i got drunk, and today when i came home my cheeks were likee BURNING!. it felt like someone was holding a lighter to my facee!.
and the first thing my nana said was "were yuo drinking last nigght!?"
So, i was just wondering if my cheeks ahve anything to do with itt!?
If not, what could it be!?

THanks In Advanncee xoWww@FoodAQ@Com

though some will call that a hangover, I drink people under the table and never get a hangover like that,

I would say you are one of the few who is actually allergic to alcohol, I know a handful of people that can not drink and when they do they get rashes all over their face!.

Luckily no matter how much I drink it has never, ever happened to me!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

It could be an allergic reaction!. Some people get rashes and such, many times on the neck or face, after drinking alcohol!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

thats pretty standard from drinking!.!.!. don't drink if you don't wanna get used to itWww@FoodAQ@Com

u drank 2 much!!!! lol!!! + i would say u had a major hangover!!!!Www@FoodAQ@Com

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