What is the best alcohol?!

Question: What is the best alcohol!?
that you have ever drank!? that got you the most messed up!? southern comfort 100 proof i would think right!? thats 50%!.!.!.!.!. anyone know anything better!? that cost around 20-30 bucks!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Just check the proof on the bottle!. Most hard liquor is 80 proof, or close to it!. There are also several brands with 100 proof, and bacardi 151 has 75% alcohol!. But the grandaddy of them all, everclear, is at least 190 proof!. But don't drink that straight, it will pretty much burn a hole in your throat!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

As the previous poster said!.!.!. 151 is probably the most popular that's over 100 proof!. It tastes like crap and burns a bit, but it'll make you hit the floor hard!.

If you're in Europe then some other choices are Absinthe (traditionally 120-150 proof) or Alcool (190 proof)!. Absinthe will give you a slightly different buzz, but does not give the hallucinations that many pop culture led many to believe!. Alcool will straight up knock you out if you have too much!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Actually, you do not necessarily need 100 proof if you only drink like once a week or once every couple of weeks!. I like bacardi and diet pepsi and can drink like 3 of those and have a pretty decent buzz!. Tonight, I bought some cherry vodka and mixed it with sprite zero and had 3 and have a nice buzz!. If I were to have like 2 more I would be pretty drunk!. Just remember to pop about 3 aspirin or ibuprofin before bed to eliminate the hangover in the mornin!!Www@FoodAQ@Com

Ingredients for a Fruit Tingle
Blue Curacao
Raspberry Cordial
Quantities for one drink:
1!.01 oz Blue Curacao
1!.01 oz Raspberry Cordial
Blending Instructions:
Pour Curacao over ice in a tumbler
Add Raspberry cordial and Lemonade at the same time so that the combined effect mixes the drink
Consume!!! The drink is meant to taste like the lollies called Fruit Tingles, and it succeeds very well in this

Jameson Irish Whiskey; $23 and is most delicious!Www@FoodAQ@Com

151!.!.!.rum that is 151 proof mixed with doctor pepper, yummyWww@FoodAQ@Com

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