Can drinking half of a 750ml bottle of wine get you drunk?!

Question: Can drinking half of a 750ml bottle of wine get you drunk!?
not that im going to attempt it i just want to know :]Www@FoodAQ@Com

It depends on a lot of factors - gender, weight, height, tolerance for alcohol, how much food and what types of food you have eaten are the main ones!.

Due to our body fat %'s, women will feel the effects of alcohol faster!. Our height and weight, since they are a part of our BMI (Body Mass Index) play into this as well!. If you are used to drinking alcohol, you will have a higher tolerance than someone who has never had a drink before!. Finally, how much food and the type of food you have eaten prior to drinking that bottle of wine will increase the amount of time before you feel the effects of alcohol!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Short answer, yes!.!.!.!. Technically, it depends on your weight, how much you have eaten, and the percentage of alcohol in the wine!.!.!.!.!. wine has about 3 times more alcohol than a single beer per volume!.!.!. so 3 glasses of wine will put you past the !.08 mark on a breathalyzer(legally drunk in some states)!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Well, that would be like drinking a soda can size serving!.!.!.there are other things to consider, like your height and weight and whether you drink alcohol regularly or not!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

it can, many factors, size, stomach content, mood, experienceWww@FoodAQ@Com


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