Are bars packed on Sunday as much as they are on Friday and Saturday?!

Question: Are bars packed on Sunday as much as they are on Friday and Saturday!?
Sometimes! It depends on lots of things, where you are, the weather, if they have specials and whatnot!.
They're usually not AS packed but I do know some bars that are, for example one bar downtown is always at max capacity on Sundays 'cause it's country night!.
If you find somewhere with good drink specials or some kind of funky theme, they'll probably be quite busy! Either way, even if it's not as packed as much as it is on weekend nights, Sundays are usually still quite full!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

around here ( Pa) the ones that are usually in the bars on Sundays are the devouted alcholics that just can't go a day without their fix!.
They practically live in the bars other than when they have to almost be pushed out the door at closing!.!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

in pittsburgh, it depends on the location and if there is a kitchen in thereWww@FoodAQ@Com

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