How do I become a bartender and learn all those drinks?!

Question: How do I become a bartender and learn all those drinks!?
I want to become a bartender!. You can make a decent amount of money and it seems like a pretty fun job!. Where do I need to go to become a bartender!. Is there a certain class you have to take or license you need to obtain!. How do you learn all of those crazy drinks that people ask for!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

you are required to get an alcohol serving license and you can find out about that by calling your city hall or restaurant association!. but there are plenty of vocational schools that teach you how to bartend, help getting you licensed, and have a great network of jobs to offer!. search google for "bartending school YOUR CITY" experience and school will teach you all those crazy drinks!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

find out the law in your area, i needed an its good business card, but it varies location to location, learn about the alcohols, brands, glasses, mixing styles and learn drinks, pick up a book, there is a really good pocket size one, new york bartender guide i think, and don't do the dishwasher to barb*tch road, i took a 2 week coarse on mixing, and i skipped over that, bartenders don't want to lose their time to someone thats learning, and they will keep you downWww@FoodAQ@Com

go to your local bar, fill out an application for a job washing dishes, and stocking the bar, aka bar back, learn from the bar tender, and in a couple of years you will be a proWww@FoodAQ@Com

You need to do a ' Responsible Service of Alcohol' coarse!. They are usually advertised in the paper and some coarses you can do at night!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

just mix anything together!.!.!.!.the drunks won't know the differenceWww@FoodAQ@Com

Ok, there are 2 ways to go about doing this!.
The first is!.!.!. go to you local dives and put in an application!. Chances are you won't be asked to make anything more difficult than your typical shot of booze and the mix type of drinks!. In your free time working at the above mentioned dive, break out the Bartender's Bible (it is a book with a crapload of drink recipes in it!. Every bar has one!.) and test them out on your regulars, or just read it to memorize some of the weirdo drinks that people order on a regular basis!. ie: Sex On The Beach, Cosmopolitian, Manhattens, Slippery Nipples, Red Headed Sluts, Alabama Slammers, etc)

The second is!.!.!.!. put your application in at a chain restaurant!. Not only will you have the same opportunities to do what goes on at the dive bar, but you will also learn how to make their speciality drinks!. (ie: I used to work at chain Mexican restaurant, and I can make a margarita like nobody's business, either buy the glass or in 55 gallon drums (we did it in bulk there))!. If you get those chain restaurants that also double as a night life hot spot (Buffalo Wild Wings, for example), you will be getting in collage age kids that are in the know of all the new weirdo drinks and will tell you how to make them!. These chains also quiz you on your free pouring abilities (as in, they do not have the pourers that measure an exact shot of booze), and you will quickly learn how to free pour a perfect 1 oz!. shot!.

Skip the bartening classes!. Really, they are a waste of time and money!. The best way to learn, while getting paid, is the above mentioned ways!. If there happens to be a place that requires a bartending degree and you really, really, reallly want to work there, then invest the $150 (don't pay any more than that) and the 3 weeks and get it!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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