How much time does 1 beer effect to go away.?!

Question: How much time does 1 beer effect to go away!.!?
and 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9!.10 effect to go awayWww@FoodAQ@Com

Liver metabolism of alcohol in the bloodstream takes about 1 hour per half-ounce of absolute alcohol!. One beer is usually 12 or 9 oz depending on where you get it and can be up to 16 oz!. The alcohol content is usually between 3!.2% and 6%!. Some states legislate the maximum alcohol content at 3!.2%!. A nine-ounce glass of 3!.2% has !.28 oz of absolute alcohol, so a little more than 30 minutes!. A 16oz glass of 6% has !.96 oz absolute alcohol so about 2 hours!. The general rule is that a shot of 80 proof and a 5 oz glass of wine and a 12 oz beer all have about the same alcohol content and all take 60-75 minutes to get the alcohol out of the blood, and of course there is a little time delay for getting the alcohol into the blood, so figure 90 minutes or more for one drink and add 1 hour more for each additional drink at a minimum!.

But that is not the whole story!. People tend to forget that first the alcohol then its oxidation product, acetaldehyde, are irritants!. The lingering effects can be more than you want to deal with!.

Take a typical irritant (hammer) and apply it smartly to a part of your body (thumb) then throw the irritant away!. Now your body irritant level is zero, just like the blood alcohol level goes to zero, but is the effect of the irritant over!? Find a hammer and be the judge!.

Women have lower activity of an enzyme in the stomach that metabolizes some alcohol, and usually have lower total bodily liquids, so the time required and the irritant effects are greater than previously cited!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

That mostly depends on the person!. The average persons body can absorb one alcoholic drink per hour!. That means that you can drink one drink over an hour without feeling effects!. So when you drink more than one over an hours time, your body can not absorb all of the alcohol and that's when your BAC (Blood Alcohol Content) starts to rise and you start to feel tipsy!.

Like I said, this varies depending on the person!. If you are talking about a person under the average weight with little alcohol tolerance, it takes very little to get tipsy!. A larger person with a bigger tolerance can drink more before feeling the effects!. The more drinks you have, the longer it takes for the effects to go away!. I would say for one beer, you might feel the effects for 20 minutes or so!.!.!.but you would have to drink it really fast to even feel anything!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Generally, the time sugguested by police for 12 oz of beer / one shot is Fourty Minutes / one hour *to be on the safe side*
Keep in mind that the more adipose tissue you carry, the longer it will take to metabolise and get rid of the alcohol!. If you drink a few oz of water between shots / glasses of beer, take your time downing the glasses you order and have some food to go with it, it makes it a bit easier!. Keep track of how much you drink and stick with the 40 min!. minimum rule and you aought not get pulled over!.
as well, you can always call a cab!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

The body can metabolise about one drink an hour!.

So if you drank at a rate of one an hour and hour after your last drink you would be fine!. If you drank faster than one an hour your body still processes at one an hour!. So it would take the number of drinks minus the number of hours you were drinking hours to sober up after your last drink!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I've heard that if you consume 2 beers, you should wait 2 hours to be sober!. (1 hour per beer!.) However, I imagine that rule goes completely out the window when you've had several beers!. If in doubt, stop drinking or don't drink to begin with if you have any reason to be sober in any certain time frame!Www@FoodAQ@Com

they say that on average your body can process booze 1 drink per hour!. this is dependent on the size of the person!.!.!.the physical condition etc!.!.!.but lets use the 1 drink rate!.

if you have 10 drinks in 5 hours it will take an additional 5 hours (total of 10!.!.!.1 for each drink) for it to be out of your system!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

1 beer doesn't really effect me and I'm pretty lightweight!. I had 8 the other night and was still puking all of the next day!. It all depends on how much you weigh and what else you eat/drink!.

This should help it;s a calculator for Blood Alch Level!.

It depends how much you weigh and how often you drink!. For me I dont even get a buzz until my third or fourth beer, but one of my best friends is totally wasted after a beer or so!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

There really is no set time because everyones body is different!. It depends on what you drank, how fast you drank it, and how your fast your liver metabolizes the alcohol!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

a drink for every hour!. like if your at a party and want to drive home, if your there for 3 hours then u can have 3 beer!. pr 1 beer per hours for the effect to go completly!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

the average person will process 1 beer in an hour!.

other quantities are governed by too many variables to calculate, such as weight, time between drinks and the health of the individual!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

For one beer, it is one hour!.!.!.when you start adding multiple beers, all bets are off!. It depends on your weight, what you have eaten, your tolerance, etc!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Depends on how big of a person you are and your drug tolerance!. The police usually say an average person should wait at least an hour for every bottle of beer you drink!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

2 weeks ago i drank 12 beers in one night and i took like 24 hours for the effect to go away cuz after i was drunk i felt sick, took me like 1 day to feel completely okWww@FoodAQ@Com

1 beer should not affect you unless you weigh like 50 pounds, it takes average person 1 hour to process 1 can of beerWww@FoodAQ@Com

Your body takes about 1 hour to process one beer and then it stops at 6 beers!. So it would take like two days for 10 beersWww@FoodAQ@Com

1 Beer 1 HourWww@FoodAQ@Com

1 hour per beerWww@FoodAQ@Com

8 hours, which is reset every time you have a drink!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

A 12oz beer takes about an hour and yeah just multipyWww@FoodAQ@Com

depends on your tolerance for alcohol and your weight and alot of other variablesWww@FoodAQ@Com

It takes about an hour for each beer,Www@FoodAQ@Com

4 or 5 for meWww@FoodAQ@Com

1hr per drinkWww@FoodAQ@Com

rule of thumb is 1 beer an hourWww@FoodAQ@Com

They say an hour per drink to be safe drivingWww@FoodAQ@Com

! beer per hr except if you have them ten it might take longerWww@FoodAQ@Com

Two hours!. After 6 wait until tomorrow, to drive!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

after awhileWww@FoodAQ@Com

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