Do you drink alcoholic hard apple cider warm or cold?!

Question: Do you drink alcoholic hard apple cider warm or cold!?
is it like regular cider(a good hot beverage in the winter) or like beer(a cold refreshing drink)!? is it even good warm!? or is it good both ways!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

Warm hard cider sounds oh-so-yuckers!. Never heard of drinking it other than cold, anyway, but maybe some people would like it!. Besides, you'd lose some of the alcohol content if you heated it!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Definitely cold! Its more like a beer!. You could try it warm but I couldn't imagine it being too tasty!. Hornsbee makes a good hard apple cider most grocery stores sell it!. Otherwise you could go to specialty drink shops and try some other types of hard cider drinks, like peach and pear!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I prefer it cold; it's like regular cider with a slight 'bite' to it!. Most hard cider is still fairly sweet, so it's easy to put down a lot more than you might have planned on!. (I tend to polish off a 12-oz Cider Jack in about 30 sec!.)Www@FoodAQ@Com



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