Is it really?!

Question: Is it really!?
AHH i hate to admit it, but I cant help but to think alcohol is just like another beverage!.!. like soda or juice! I hate to think it's a drug!. Is alcohol just as addicting as ciggaretts and other hard to get drugs like coke, pot, crack!.!. etc etc!? I mean, maybe it's easier to get for some people, but since you can buy alcohol practically anywhere, I just think it's more available to the world!! I would really love to be moral and smart about it and stop drinking (im 18) but summer and college is coming up, and how can I!? I love to party and alcohol is just something that's always there and I feel like it's MY way to have fun!.!. What can I do to change my mind!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

Not choosing to make it your habit is your own decision!.
Ask yourself 'can I be having a good time at a party without being blitzed!? That doesn't mean you need to go completely dry all summer or during college, just use your sense!. So have a fun time with it, just cut it off before you're either A) one of the drunk driving statistics, or B) waking up not remembering details from the night before!.
Ultimately when you are partying it's about having a good time!. Don't you want to remember those good times!? 15-20 years later there are a few incidents I'm glad I don't remember clearly from college!. But most of the parties/good times I remember clearly because excessive alcohol consumption was not a factor!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I had a friend who was addicted to alcohol!. He went so far as to pour rubbing alcohol through bread so he could drink it and get drunk!. He drank mouthwash to get drunk!. You tell me if its just as bad!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

just dont drink it plain and simple!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

well u can prob ask ur friends to help u out so they sort of like babysit u not to drink alcoholWww@FoodAQ@Com

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