What vodka?!

Question: What vodka!?
What is a good vodka to buy that can get 3 people drunk for under $30 that is not smirnoff!. No, i am not 21 and no i dont want a lecture, so dont give me any answers unless u are really helping me please!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

You can get the largest bottle of Svedka Swedish Vodka for around $22!. It is very good, and will not leave you will an awful hangover in the morning!. If you have not heard of this, ask the person in the liquor store, they will point you right to it, and probably recommend it also!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

three olives!.!.!. their big bottles are $23 and it is a good vodka, way better the smirnoff, gross!!!!! If you really want to splurge get some grey goose, it will only be like $15 for each of you!.!.!.!. but other then that 3 olives fo shoWww@FoodAQ@Com

Skyy and Stolichnaya are more expensive than Smirnoff, but still less than $30 for 750ml (which should be plenty for 3 people)!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Get popov, it is on the bottom shelf of the liquor store, and it comes in a plastic bottle!.
Have fun kids

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