What will happen if i mix alcohol with ecstasy?!

Question: What will happen if i mix alcohol with ecstasy!?
so this friday is graduation night and theres a huge party afterwards!. im getting some ecstasy and i plan on takin quite a few shots of vodka too!. will the alcohol kill the buzz from the ecstasy or will it just enhance it!?

plz no drugs are bad speeches!.
i just need an answer not a lecture!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

okay right now i am kinda drunk but i have taken x a couple times and my boyfriend has a lot!. but one night he was with some other people while i was at party he took to two rolls and drank a ton of vodka!. i was in his basement later in the night and he completley stopped breathing i had to pour water on him and start cpr!. he would stop breathing then start then stop then start!. he went crazy and wanted more alco and was throwing and hitting stuff!. just its not a good idea!. just stick with one or another!. or just do like a couple shots!. just not too many please IM me my screen name is cali4nia63Www@FoodAQ@Com

Any number of very bad things could happen no doubt, but from personal experience I can attest to the fact that you will probably blackout in a big way!. I've also heard similar accounts from close friends and complete strangers!.

Back when I was younger and more foolish I was in to many drugs, I wasn't a really big drinker!. So at that point in my life I had never experienced a booze related blackout!. One night while eating some pills (double stack red @s) I had two (just two) Smirnoff Ices and within the hour I was blacked out and shortly after passing out!. I can only logically attribute this to the combination since I had never experienced it on pills alone before and I didn't experience a drinking related blackout until many years later and only after heavy drinking!. To this day though I don't think I've ever blacked out like I did then, most of what I know about the brief period in which I was awake was from my girlfriend at the time who said I was spacey and slightly incoherent!.

I can't in good faith recommend the combo, if nothing else it will ruin your very expensive roll!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

You will get wasted, pee yourself and it will feel incredible(LOL)

truthfully drugs that are chemical based tend to over power any alcohol!. Therefor you will feel the drug before you consider yourself to be drunk!. Just be sure to be careful and dont drive!. I cant talk you out of taking a drug but killing someone on the way home is not sweetWww@FoodAQ@Com

You'll ruin your sex life for the rest of your life!.

This is from my bro in law who is recovering from many years of usage!. Basically he says if you want to ruin the best natural high the body gives you (orgasm) take some X and you'll never have a good one again!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

DO NOT mix the two!. One or the other brother!.!.!.you will end up in the hospital or worse!. If you roll, drink water or juice!. You could maybe have like one or two shots tops or 2 beers!. Again, if you know whats good for you, trust me DONT MIX themWww@FoodAQ@Com

Do it to it, man!. Just make sure you don't breed before you do it!. We need fewer idiots in the world, so I'll buy one of the drinks!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Don't do it man !!!! Try Skydiving instead !!!
You'll get a rush when ya jump!!.!.!.!. and a BIGGER ONE!.!.!.!.!.
When the chute opens !!!Www@FoodAQ@Com

NOT a good thing!.!.!.you'll pass out from convulsions!.!.!.and end up in the hospital!.!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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