Home-made drinks?!

Question: Home-made drinks!?
I did just cherry-brendy!.
Filled cherries vodka and leaves in the sun for 3 months!.
You have any ideas!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

I have read to do this differently!. I read that the alcohol should be kept in a dark storage place away from sunlight!.

I infused marijuana with Everclear, but I doubt you want that as an idea :)

You can use any fruit you like: berries, kiwis, pineapples, apples, pears, grapes, oranges, etc!. You can even use vanilla beans, herbs, or peppers!.

For small fruits like berries, leave them whole!. For larger berries, like strawberries, cut them in half!. For larger fruits, like kiwi, apples, or pineapples, cut them into slices!. Place the fruits into the vodka and give the bottle a good swirl to get the flavors into motion!. Then store it in your fridge or store it at room temp away from light!. Taste it daily until you are happy with the results!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Well, I have experimented with peppered vodka (jalapeno) but I wouldn't recommend it without knowing how good your medical care is!. Oy!.

Making a good nastoika or nalivka is a noble pursuit, and you are to be congratulated!

I am told (but cannot verify) that Starka includes leaves from apple and pear trees, and that Zubrovka includes buffalo grass!.

I would be curious about grape leaves, cherry leaves, and a combination of mint leaves and honey!. Perhaps you are a romantic or poet and wish to try various flower petals!.

Please let us know what you discover!Www@FoodAQ@Com

That wasn't a cherry brandy, more like rataffia!. you might try googling that term for more ideas!. For cherry brandy, you would need brandy as the base spirit!. I tried a search for "liqueur+recipe" and came up with a couple of good sites!. I have managed to clone Vandermint and invented a few of my own recipes (most of which are drinkable)!. However, I would dearly love to be able to clone Rumona; no luck as yet, although the mistakes have been worth drinking!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

take everclear and put strawberries in it for a couple weeks out in the sun, it is amazing the everclear turns red and the strawberries turn white!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Two good books are "Infused"
"Cordials from Your Kitchen"

Have fun!
Better to leave your stuff in a cool, dark place!. That's what the books say!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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