Should I stick to liquor or reconcile with beer.?!

Question: Should I stick to liquor or reconcile with beer!.!?
When I start taking shots of liquor, I do them back to back and usually me and my friends don't stop until there is no more liquor!. Well, this always gets me drunk too fast and it usually takes me a whole night to sober up (usually after I vomit)!. Anyways, this weekend I started drinking Old English again and really enjoyed!. I killed 2 forties (with the help of my homie) in no time and I was nice and buzzed!. The only problem is that liquor is fun to drink before clubbin because it's fast acting, but beer gives me a more pleasant buzz!. What should I do!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

Why not start out with a couple quick shots to get things started, then move on to the beer!? Remember beer before liquor, never been sicker, liquor before beer, party for a year!

Edit-A boilermaker isn't a shot of liquor with a beer chaser, it is a shot of whiskey dropped into a glass of beer (shot glass and all) and chugged!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Why don't you start drinking good quality beer (also has a higher alcohol content) and good liquor then you can enjoy it for the good stuff that it can be, rather than shoving down your hole and getting wasted off of toxic, bad tasting, low rate garbage I wouldn't even clean my windows with!.

You might just enjoy a light buzz all night if you try it, rather than being plastered so quickly, getting sick and making yourself vulnerable to dangerous situations that may arise while your judgment is severely impaired!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Drink Boiler-makers!. (A shot of liquor followed by a beer chaser!.)Www@FoodAQ@Com

Do a couple of shots and then have your beer! Don't drink and drive!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Drink a few more Old English 800 or go with Steel reserve!.!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

grow up before you end up in jail or!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

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