Have any of you ever done something stupid while under the influence of alcohol?!

Question: Have any of you ever done something stupid while under the influence of alcohol!?
I am doing a paper on minors and alocohol and alcohol effects and I need to know what you've done when you've been drinking!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I once got drunk in a hotel room, as a teenager at a school function, with a bunch of college aged magizine salesmen!. We got caught by the coaches, and we were escorted back to our room!. After a long lecture, my coach asked me "What do you have to say for yourself!?" and I pulled a beer out of the cooler, and responded "UM!.!. Do you want a beer!?"Www@FoodAQ@Com

There were so many times!.!.!. I'm not bragging, but since you asked!. (I was a very troubled teen)!.
The one I remember the most, that could have caused me the most trouble, is when I got drunk on Mad Dog 20/20!. I was with my sister and a few of her friends!. My sister drove us all to another friends house and they all went inside!. I stayed outside to listen to music on the radio!. I got the bright idea to get behind the wheel and drive down the road and back!. I was about 14 or 15!. I made it , miraculously, out of the driveway and was on my way down the road!. It was about this time that my sis and friends came out to find the car (and me) missing!. When they saw me they started chasing!. Not paying attention to what I was doing, I drove of the road into someones yard!. That 'someone' turned out to be a cop!. He, fortunately was not at home at the time, and no one was in the yard!. Everyone pushed the car out of the yard and we went on, but when I think of what might have happened - possibly running over someone, or getting busted right on the spot- I think THAT WAS STUPID!Www@FoodAQ@Com

like most teenagers, i drink!. but i've never gotten drunk cuz too much can happen!. like my farmer ex boyfirend, who had sex with his cow while hammered and somebody got it on camera!. another girl from my school got trashed, hooked up with a guy, and when they woke up she had pissed all over him!. i dunno about you, but that dont sound appealing!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I didn't drink much as a minor but when I was old enough I have done my fair share of stupid things!. You always tend to go out of your safe zone when drinking!. my experience: thong contests, pole dancing, lap dancing, singing, and i sometimes tend to want to fight anyone bigger then me and believe me 107lb lil girl trying to fight 200+ lb men isn't nice lol!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

My sister who is only 15 peed in a car from laughing with all of her drunk friends while she was hammered ( i had to pick her and them up from the party and it was funny because it was her car and she had to clean it the next day) True story!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

haven't we all!?

i havent done anything too bad im normally the one watching and laughing- like this one guy had sex with a girl 2x his age
ive only done the basics like making out with someone i didnt want to, almost killing myeslf in a car accident!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Just end up saying things that I shouldnt nothing seriousthough, like annoucing to everyone i need to go to the bathroom and might take awhile- doing a number 2!! Random things like that!. But I have done alot of stupid things especially being at college!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

trying to make pot brownies while drunk (turned out OK, but we almost forgot a few ingredients

drunk dialing

broke half of my tooth running to a chair (I tripped and hit the chair, and then lost half of my front tooth)Www@FoodAQ@Com

i feel that i have difficulty in hearing and my stomach feel undigestive (bloated) and fart!. also, i will have rashes and feel itchy all over my body!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Ashamedly yes i got so drunk once i ended up in bed with some guy i didn't know was naked and couldn't remember anything!. needless to say i stopped my wicked ways and now only have two or three drinks while socialisingWww@FoodAQ@Com

Talk to girls with boyfriend to see how strong the force was with them!.

Mostly, they veer to the dark side!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Didn't drink much as a minor, but did plenty of stupid things when drinking!. I don't drink much anymore!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

i'm not a minor but when i was i made out with other girls, streaked, hit on other girls boyfriendsWww@FoodAQ@Com

Nothing real stupid, but said something embarrassing to a nice lady!.!. but not when I was a minor!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Yeah, I drank some more!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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