Are you an alcholic if you choose to drink before spending time with your boyfriend?!

Question: Are you an alcholic if you choose to drink before spending time with your boyfriend!?
I love drinking!.!.!.i do it all the time with my best girls!.!.!.
I have decided to go party with my gals instead of spend time with my boyfriend, several different times!.!.!.
I've missed an anniversery, his fathers funeral and many other times that he wanted to be with me becuase I was totally in a party mood!.!.!.!.!.!.!.would I be an alcholic for this!?

Is he a jerk!?

Maybe you don't want to be with him and that's an excuse (not a good one, but one, none-the-less)

Does the drinking carry over into other parts of your life!? Miss school or work!? Other functions with your family!? If it does, yes, you might be an alcoholic!. Seek help!.

If you just don't want to be with your guy, dump him, and maybe you'll stop the drinking, too!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

If you cared about your boyfriend you wouldn't be blowing him off at the last minute to drink!.
Why cant you drink with your boyfriend!? Does he not approve or you just dont want to!? Take your b/f with you to party one time instead of your girlfriends!. If he doesn't like going out stay in and make something like tacos and margaritas and watch a movie!.
Hes a good good guy to stay with you for missing an anniversary and good grief his fathers funeral!?!! thats pretty cold!. How would you like it if he didn't show up to your close family members funeral!. thats pretty hurtful!.
And if alcohol is that important to you that you would be willing to do that you may or may not be an alcoholic but you definitly do not care about your boyfriend or you wouldn't be dong that to him!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

No, but you might want to take a look at your relationship with him!. There may be something there that doesn't sit well with you!. It could be anything!. Something petty (he snores too much) or something major (you don't really love him like you thought you did)!.

Good luck in figuring it all out!. It doesn't mean you're a bad person, just, maybe, not a happy one!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

well if your ugly (probably are) no, you can be an alcoholic as an excuse to dull the pain of looking in the mirror and at the scale!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Best answer on the subject; If you've ever wondered if you have a drinking problem, you probably do have a drinking problem!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

You sound like you suck!. You must put out good since he stays with you after even after you miss his father's funeral!.

I wouldn't say alcoholic, more like a *****Www@FoodAQ@Com

Ditch the ***** boy!.
you don't like him enough!.
been there!.
But I've been to AA too!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.

My advice may be no good!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Or maybe just a shitty girlfriend!.

Seriously!? His father's funeral!? Do you want to be with him at all!? You're obviously not there for him!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

You're probably an alcoholic!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Anniversary, funeral!?!? I would say yes, you have a problem!. Either seek help or new friends!!Www@FoodAQ@Com

You missed his fathers funeral!. I'm surprised he still with you!.Www@FoodAQ@Com


drink with himWww@FoodAQ@Com

yeah thats pretty bad!.!.!.!.why not go on a date just you and him and get drunk and have fun that way!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

no, maybe you just need a more exciting guyWww@FoodAQ@Com

Short answer!.!.!.no!.

Sounds to me like drinking is just something you do with your friends when you're with them!. Nothing wrong that!. So long as thats where it stays!. Now, if you're blowing him off so you can drink alone at home (still not bad if its just once in a while, everyone needs a night in to unwind) then I would start questioning!. Bring him along some time, then he can't say you're blowing him off to drink!.

As far as missing his father's funeral, how long have you known the guy!? How long have you been dating!? If its not too serious yet, then I would have to say its no big deal!. I mean if you're just barely there (I would say about 13 months or less) why should it fall on you to go to his father's funeral!. I mean if you guys were long term, just waiting for the engagement then yeah, that was a bad call!. But if you known him for about a year, dating about 6 months then yeah, its your call and shouldn't be expected of you!.

He wanted to be with you because you were in a party mood!?
If the guy wants to party, then by all means, go party with him, it would be good for the relationship!. But, if he wants to be with you because he knows you want to get drunk, perhaps theres maybe him thinking 'Heheh, a few pantydroppers and I'm getting lucky tonight'!. Which you know, nothing all to wrong with that unless you guys haven't done that sort of thing yet!.

My opinion, from what you've described, that does not make you an alcohol!. also, how old are you!? Does your family have a history of alcoholism!? If you're under 25(ish) and no family history, and you haven't missed work (other than the ocasional going out on a night you really shouldn't have and had a little too much, and so long as that happens at most once every 3-4 months), and you don't get drunk more than once a week by yourself, I wouldn't call you an alcoholic!.

Another important question, does he drink at all!? If he does, is he a heavy drinker, light drinker, or so very little and not on a regular basis that he might as well not drink!? If he doesn't drink or is a very little drinker, then he might need a bit of a reality check!. No offense to anybody, but from my experience, to those who don't drink at all, or drink very little, anyone who actually gets drunk more than once a month has a problem and is probably an alcoholic!. Again, no offense to anyone, its just I have learned through the years that most people think of drinking for the sake of getting drunk even once is the biggest sin one could do and therefore if you do this you are an alcohol!.

The only person who can really determine if you're an alcoholic is you!. You can listen to us tell you yes or no all day, and it won't make a difference!. Determine if alcohol revolves around your life, or if your life revolves around alcohol!.

So again, my thoughts would be no you're not, but perhaps if you want this relationship to go further, you might want to cut back on excluding him!.

One other thing, don't buy into that there our alcoholics and non-alcoholics!. Everybody stands a pretty equal chance of developing an addiction!. Certain people are somewhat more likely to because either A!.) addictive personality, B!.)The family has a slightly higher weakness to it or C!.) they have a lot going on, drink to 'escape' and therefore make their bodies more dependant on it!. If you drink enough alcohol, you will develop a physical addiction to it!. So don't think that just because you're not an alcoholic means you're safe!. And don't think that alcoholics are always going to be!. A!.A!. is a little extreme for anyone who has been drinking heavily for less than about 5 years or so!. If you catch yourself early enough, you can set rules so that it doesn't become a problem!. However, A!.A!. is good for people who have had a problem for years and the only real way to be it is just to stop it all together!. If you can control, you can beat!. But don't try to be too strong and fool yourself into thinking you're in control, if you're not, you're not, and you might have to go to an extreme!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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