I need a list of all the beer brands?!

Question: I need a list of all the beer brands!?
I'm trying to see which beers i've had and liked and which beers i dont like (just for fun)!. i cant find a nice long list of beers i can get say at a Texas liquor storeWww@FoodAQ@Com

You've got to be kidding!.!.!. right!?

There are over 12,000 brewers (not individual beers) in the US alone!.

Try http://beeradvocate!.com





But nobody can give you a complete list without crashing Yahoo!Answers!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Im not sure of the US brands, but here are a few from SA, Castle Larger , castle Milk stout, castle lite, black label, lion larger,Amstel larger,Heinkin, Heidleberg, Windhoek stout,Hansa, the best bet would to go and visit a liquor store, or e-mail one of the breweries!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

That list would be quite significant!.

Go here:

I will list out the brands which i have heared in the T!.V!.!.But i am not a man who is using the beers or somewhat!.!.!.
1!. Kingfisher!.
2!. Nepolean!.
3!. 600 watts!.

kingfisher, heniken, foster, cobra, guru, royal challange, thunder bolt, tiger,
ahh its difficult to remember names,,,,,,Www@FoodAQ@Com


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